I need full info for the glorious death carrier exit class 2nd edition warhammer

By markyboy156, in WFRP Rules Questions

hi I need full information and full stats and pictures for the warhammer 2nd edition glorious death Career exit lass the games it's the exit carrier class for the dwarven daemon slayer class my favourite class for warhammer 2nd edition
I need full background on this career exit class plus full stats plus full pics ie stats for movement strength toughness willpower fellowship coolness etc need info desperatly thanks


Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. This forum is specifically for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3ed, and the forum is archived as the game is no longer in production. So I Think you'll get better answers at this forum: https://windsofchaos.com/forum/

Plus, if you are asking for copyrighted material (I'm not sure if this is something from an official publication), people might be a bit wary about sharing it on a form where they might get banned for doing so.