Seppun Astrologer Rings Incorrect?

By Cor Cordis, in Rules Questions

On page 235 of the Emerald Empire, the Seppun Astrologer gets Air and Water. This seems to be a misprint for the rings. Following down character creation, Imperial Family gives 1 Air and Government (appropriate), Seppun family gives Earth or Void, and then we get to Seppun Astrologer with Air and Water. This could be totally fine, except that the Invocations that they get are not Air or Water Invocations (well, actually one of the choices is), but the Invocation Bind the Shadow is a TN 3 Theology (Earth) check. How is a character with only 1 option to get Earth rings high enough and completely ignoring Void rings supposed to be able to do this? It seems off. And the Seppun Guards get both Earth and Void, which doesn't make much sense for bushi to have. Those seem like the appropriate rings for the Seppun Astrologer.

I've sent a message to FFG asking about this, but have not heard back from them. There is another post that starts off asking this question, but the post sidetracks and doesn't get very far in question at hand. Shouldn't the rings for Seppun Astrologer be Earth and Void?

36 minutes ago, Jymbeautuesday said:

On page 235 of the Emerald Empire, the Seppun Astrologer gets Air and Water. This seems to be a misprint for the rings. Following down character creation, Imperial Family gives 1 Air and Government (appropriate), Seppun family gives Earth or Void, and then we get to Seppun Astrologer with Air and Water. This could be totally fine, except that the Invocations that they get are not Air or Water Invocations (well, actually one of the choices is), but the Invocation Bind the Shadow is a TN 3 Theology (Earth) check. How is a character with only 1 option to get Earth rings high enough and completely ignoring Void rings supposed to be able to do this? It seems off. And the Seppun Guards get both Earth and Void, which doesn't make much sense for bushi to have. Those seem like the appropriate rings for the Seppun Astrologer.

I've sent a message to FFG asking about this, but have not heard back from them. There is another post that starts off asking this question, but the post sidetracks and doesn't get very far in question at hand. Shouldn't the rings for Seppun Astrologer be Earth and Void?

a lot of the game is screwed up. just change it how you see fit.

I got an answer on this from Tim Cox at FFG:

" Thank you for your question. The rings are correct as printed in Emerald Empire for both schools. The Seppun Astrologer curriculum features techniques that use a number of rings, but Air and Water are integral to the school’s core function of remaining ever-vigilant against threats to the Imperial Palace, and more broadly to members of the Imperial families and their servants."