I want to make my players fight a bunch of tyranids hormagaunts, using the horde rules. My question is regarded towards the dinamics of the combat scene, how can i show the players what a real horde is and how to play it with the rules?
Da horde!
Sorry for sounding rude, but as user of this platform I possibly would suggest to use search.
Also, to redeem myself a little bit after such harsh words I would suggest to look at good Horde description left here by @MorbidDon . It is a description of Hordes rules from two sources Deathwatch and Black Crusade core books in which you can find even more details.
As how to show dynamics depends on what dynamic you want to show, whether it is endless horde which restores it numbers each turn if you can't deal damage to destroy it in 1 turn and you are trying to just get out of it by carving some meters in this horde each turn to get through, or it just to describe big problem that is hard to solve directly shooting at it, or possible epic fight with overwhelming enemy.
Kind Regards.
Edited by rt1234456