How can multiple players reach 10 victory points simultaneously during the status phase?

By dpon, in Twilight Imperium


Rule 87.7 says: "The game ends immediately when one player has 10 victory points. If multiple players would simultaneously reach 10 victory points during the status or agenda phase , the player who is nearest the speaker in clockwise order is the winner."

How is it possible simultaneously reach 10 victory points during the status phase?

The use of the word "simultaneously" is a bit wonky, yes. What they mean is "if several players would be able to reach 10 points within the same step of the status or agenda phase.", I believe.

So, I don't think it's possible.

In the action phase all of the cards I've seen are battles, there can't be more than 2 opponents in 1 battle, and even if there were, I can't think of a way aside from the flagship card (defeat an opponent with your flagship, something like that) then that card would have to be unique, so anyway this convulted example is not possible, nor do I know of any other action it would be.

Status phase is very very simple, Are you the naluu? You win, or, do you have the highest initiatve order card and can reach 10 points? You win. There is no way in the current game to score points simultaneously.

In an expansion though, maybe there will be, but today, no.

Mmhh... I assume it is just there for covering edge cases no one has thought off. To make extra sure. I don't see any way for it to happen with the base game.

Still it is possible in agenda phase to simultaneously reach 10 victory points (we had one game with that happend). So mayby they put this just in case they missed some interaction.

Edited by el_cyd85
On 9/13/2019 at 4:22 PM, el_cyd85 said:

Still it is possible in agenda phase to simultaneously reach 10 victory points (we had one game with that happend). So mayby they put this just in case they missed some interaction.

Correct. Agendas can cause points to be gained/lost simultaneously (i.e. everyone who votes "Yes" gains a victory point). Only one other scenario I can think of where points can be gained simultaneously would be an edge case -- two action phase secret objectives are achieved in the same round of combat, one player destroys a flagship yet the other player wins the space combat against a player (tied in this case) with the most points. In that instance, I believe the active player should win, but I suspect rules lawyers may say otherwise.

On 1/2/2020 at 11:12 PM, atTAGG said:

In that instance, I believe the active player should win, but I suspect rules lawyers may say otherwise.


Section 87.7 of the rules reference states:

If multiple players would simultaneously gain their 10th victory point, the player who is earliest in initiative order among those players is the winner

I think it's already been said but there are a number of ways players can all reach 10 victory points at the same time. Grant it most of these circumstances aren't very likely, but its possible.

What is impossible is for the game to be a tie. Initiative order as LemonheadPrime pointed out always determines a winner and its not possible for two players to have the same initiative. So there is ALWAYS a winner in Twilight Imperium.

On 1/8/2020 at 10:12 PM, BigKahuna said:

I think it's already been said but there are a number of ways players can all reach 10 victory points at the same time. Grant it most of these circumstances aren't very likely, but its possible.

What is impossible is for the game to be a tie. Initiative order as LemonheadPrime pointed out always determines a winner and its not possible for two players to have the same initiative. So there is ALWAYS a winner in Twilight Imperium.

Its possible for someone to reach 10 points when -no-one- has an initiative order - during the agenda phase with a VP awarding agenda or thru imperial rider. Theoretically an interaction between the Imperial rider and a VP agenda could rise to two players winning simultaneously but the revised version of 87.7 in the living rules reference has this contingency covered too:

"...if this occurs when players do not have strategy cards, the player who is nearest the speaker (including the speaker) in clockwise order is the winner."

Edited by Adelphia