Just for fun I was trying to see how many Hit Points a single hero could get, and this is the maximum I could arrive to (without repeating the same attachments, without the Treasures from the Hobbit Saga or boons from The Lord of the Rings Saga, without any objective cards).
Hero: LeGimli
Starting HP = 5
1 Citadel Plate [restricted] = +4
1 Ancestral Armor [restricted] = +2
1 Vigilant Guard = +2
1 Hardy Leadership = +1
1 Hauberk of Mail = +1
1 Ent Draught = +2
1 Boots from Erebor = +1
1 Ring of Barahir (plus Black Arrow [giving Gimli ranged somehow], The Red Arrow [giving Gimli the Gondor trait somehow], Thror's Key, Sword That Was Broken, Thror's Map, Magic Ring, Necklace of Girion, Palantir, Ring of Thror, The Arkenstone, Mithril Shirt [from Fate of the Wilderland]) = +12
Total = 30 Hit Points
Anyone has an even higher total to propose? Did I miss something? Feel free to contribute.
Runner Up
TaPrince Imrahil
Starting HP = 4
3 Anfalas Herdman with Prince of Dol Amroth = +3
1 Citadel Plate [restricted] = +4
1 Ancestral Armor [restricted] = +2
1 Vigilant Guard = +2
1 Ent Draught = +2
1 Hauberk of Mail [giving Imrahil sentinel somehow] = +1
1 Ring of Barahir (plus Black Arrow [giving Imrahil ranged somehow], The Red Arrow, Thror's Key, Sword That Was Broken, Thror's Map, Magic Ring, Necklace of Girion, Palantir, The Arkenstone, Mithril Shirt [from Fate of the Wilderland]) = +11
Total = 29 Hit Points
Edited by Alonewolf87