"The Bearded Gamers Podcast" - Painting Legion

By The Bearded Gamers, in Painting

Good Morning/Afternoon fellow legionnaires

My name is Dan & I'm one half of "The Bearded Gamers Podcast" (a podcast about adventures in Board Gaming) and this is my first outing onto the forums with FFG. Me and my podcasting buddy are absolutely loving Star wars Legion, both being massive war-gaming fans and Star wars fans. I have been busy painting the miniatures (finally) as first I wanted to finish and awesome Endor board to play on (I will share detailed pics of the terrain I made in the other forum). Now that's done I've started to paint my rebel force and had to begin with my favourite flyboys Han and Chewie.

Wanted to give a shout out to the "God amongst men" that is Sorastro, for without him my models wouldn't look as good. So here is just a few pictures of what ive been up to. I hope you like them, and please let me know what you think?

Thanks Dan

