Road to legend, dungeon questions.

By Stillborn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is silly, but unless otherwise stated in road to legend, do I go with the standard rules for dungeons?

Meaning if they kill a red (master monster) do they get 50 gold? Do they get any conquest?

And what happens when I transition from one level to another, do I keep my threat/cards or do I reset and start over?

So far I've just been giving them 50 gold per monster kill and keeping track of kills in case I owe them conquest tokens, though I cant find anywhere that says I do. Also I start over ever new lvl of a dungeon, throwing away any powers I cast from the previous dungeon, reshufling my deck, etc... am I screwing that up?



50 gold per unnamed master monster is still correct, no conquest for that.

Only the leaders yield conquest for kills, as stated in the rules. There are also other things that generate conquest beyond kills (activate glyphs, deplete OL deck, no treasure in chest).

Between dungeon levels, threat, card hand, discard pile and played power cards carry over, donĀ“t touch them. These are only reset at the start of a whole new dungeon (i.e. after entering a dungeon in a new location on the overland map).

It is highly recommended that you read the FAQ carefully.

Stillborn said:

Meaning if they kill a red (master monster) do they get 50 gold?


Stillborn said:

Do they get any conquest?

No. Only the leader of the level and the leader of the dungeon give points of conquest:

"the heroes receive 100 coins and 2 conquest tokens for killing a dungeon level leader" (Pag 17).

"when the dungeon leader is killed the heroes receive 250 coins and 4 conquest tokens (rather than 100 and 2, respectively)" (Pag 18).

Stillborn said:

And what happens when I transition from one level to another, do I keep my threat/cards or do I reset and start over?

You keep all. Only restart the "Reinforcement Marker" (Pag 17)

"The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon." (FAQ)

Thanks a lot for clarifying, I really don't like the way the rules are laid out, it's confusing and a lot is left to implication :(

Wouldn't know what to do if this forum didn't exist :)

Also I think part of my confusion is that the universal Head simplified rules sheet doesn't show the 50g for a master monster kill, it also includes shar the brightwing on it, even though thats not in the game. I understand someone from this forum or bgg knows him? if so and if he still does updates someone should mention it to him as well.
