Deadly Sting Ninjutsu

By Cor Cordis, in Rules Questions

I've been looking at the Deadly Sting Ninjutsu and have found something to be tricky for me to figure out on the spending of opportunity after you have the effects working.

When spending Air Opportunity at 1+, it says that you do a critical strike with severity 2, +1 per opportunity spent after. Why would I do that if I was using a knife that has a deadliness of 4, shouldn't it start at a severity of 4 for the crit (or 6 if using 2 hands)?

I've been bouncing through the crit rules and the weapons and the ninjutsu and can't seem to find a solid answer for this. Is it a misprint, and should maybe read that you get a +2 to the severity when using the Deadly Sting Ninjutsu?

This technique allows you to inflict a critical strike even though the target has enough fatigue to defend against the damage.

Thanks. It was still confusing until I read the thread about spending a Void Point to take a crit instead of defending. In that they finally break down that damage = fatigue damage but isn't actually damage but rather spent energy to block/dodge/etc. And that crits are the actual hits that actually hurt the characters. This allows for a hit when it normally wouldn't, and hopefully you can bump up the crit above a 2 to give it some lasting hurt.

Thanks for taking a second to give me a bit of info to jump from beyond the book.

Do note also that Deadly sting works with poisons... and 2 out of the 3 poisons described so far have their effects triggered on a critical strike (when applied to a weapon - not talking about ingestion or other means of administration). So Deadly Sting gives you an easy way to make a rather benign crit, which is all you need to trigger the effects of Fire Biter or Night Milk.