The Expanse (v0.0.1)

By drainsmith, in Your Settings

Beginning of setting for The Expanse. Fully usable mechanically. Archetypes, careers, and talents are all available. Not a whole lot of custom talents at this time. Mostly CRB and SotB. I scavenged a few from my Something Strange setting. The biggest parts left would be full custom graphics, other layout work, and ship stats. Expanse (Genesys) v0.0.1.pdf?dl=0

Ill defiantly be following this project. When I glanced over the SS 2088 materials (some time back), I recall thinking that it could be hacked to cover The Expanse universe. But I'm much more interested in seeing a dedicated port.

Both the novels and the television series offer some fantastic Political/ Military Sci-Fi goodness. When the KS went live, I was a little sad that it wasn't going to be an FFG narrative dice effort.

So yeah, looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Yeah, the more I worked on Sol System 2088 the more I thought that I should just make it The Expanse instead. I also knew there would be a lot to scavenge from SotB. Now that its out I can start work on this again. In fact, the only things that are really unique in here are the Martian archetype (Belter is just Loonie tweaked a tiny bit), careers (which are stupid easy to make), and a handful of simple talents.

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for providing some of the background there.

And, I think you were right on target waiting for SotB. I was not (am not really), all that familiar with the Android universe, but when I saw that FFG bothered to make a couple variations on encounter suits and the like, my brain quickly went to the expanse--particularly the tv series. Additionally, the setting being focused on the idea that the Solar System is big, and yet, while not trivial, working and traveling around it is somewhat routine, syncs up pretty well between the two settings.

I suspect that space combat could be an interesting challenge, as inter-system conflict in The Expanse is depicted as being highly tactical (and somewhat more conventional), when compared to something like SW, for example. I have yet to dig down into SS 2088 to see how you handled it in there, however, so that might be well covered already. Which is all to say, that the technology in The Expanse universe is not, for the most part, as advanced as it is in SotB, let alone SW. So, I'll be keen to see where that falls.

As to Mars, it occurs to me, that each of the major factions, could almost be covered in their own mini splatbooks really. Not that I'm suggesting you don't have your own blueprint, mind you, I'm just spit-balling.

All of that said, while my knowledge of both Android and The Expanse is somewhat limited, and I have no particular experience with parsing the system mechanics of GeneSys where it applies to balancing things like Talents, Gear, Archetypes, or similar, if you wanted to tap someone to proof read copy and the like feel free to hit me up. I don't have any fancy (read functional) editing software like In-Design, but I can always work from word. Just putting that out there, as you're nothing if not prolific and always seem to have multiple irons in the fire.

Continued Success Warrior.

FIW, The Expanse RPG was solicited to games stores this month. It could be a great resource. It uses the AGE system.