Will of the West Question

By Kartigan13, in War of the Ring

So here's the thing, I don't actually have War of the Ring, although I have ordered a copy and it should arrive soon. Before I buy games though, I try to get a handle on the rules by reading the rules online, even studying session reports to see if I would like the game in question. So, I've read both the base game PDF rules file and the FAQ, but I still seem to be missing something so I may have misread, but if someone could answer this for me I'd appreciate it.

What does the result of the "Will of the West" on the action die do for the Free People's player? I think it means you can change it to any die result you wish, is that correct? I noticed in the rulebook it was referenced on some cards (I think Gandalf the White requires you to use one to summon him or something?), but I didn't find anywhere in the rulebook where it said exactly what that dice result did. I may be thick-headed and missing something, but I can't seem to find it. I believe I understand everything else, but I was wondering what the purpose of that dice was.

Kartigan said:

So here's the thing, I don't actually have War of the Ring, although I have ordered a copy and it should arrive soon. Before I buy games though, I try to get a handle on the rules by reading the rules online, even studying session reports to see if I would like the game in question. So, I've read both the base game PDF rules file and the FAQ, but I still seem to be missing something so I may have misread, but if someone could answer this for me I'd appreciate it.

What does the result of the "Will of the West" on the action die do for the Free People's player? I think it means you can change it to any die result you wish, is that correct? I noticed in the rulebook it was referenced on some cards (I think Gandalf the White requires you to use one to summon him or something?), but I didn't find anywhere in the rulebook where it said exactly what that dice result did. I may be thick-headed and missing something, but I can't seem to find it. I believe I understand everything else, but I was wondering what the purpose of that dice was.

I think you got it.

It's like a "wild" or "joker" or whatever so yes, you can use it as any other die result you wish.

It's also a result in its own. There are couple of cases where Will of the West is explicitly needed to make something happen. For example upgrading Gandalf or Aragorn needs Will of the West die result.

Great, thank you for the answer!