Designer Diary: Career Leaks

By Guest, in News

I apologize for the silent treatment lately. Things have been very, very busy. However, I can finally leak some news about an upcoming project I'm very excited about. You may recall the forum poll where I asked people about what they felt were the most iconic careers in WFRP .

I'm pleased to announce that your votes helped us decide the cover for the upcoming Career Compendium . Ralph Horsley’s concept sketch wonderfully captures the three most iconic careers, as voted on by you, the fans!


And if that’s not enough, here’s a look at part of the back-cover text for Career Compendium, as well:
Grim Times Demand Great Heroes…

Heroes rise from all walks of life in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. From the lowly peasant or meagre rat catcher to the wealthy noble or questing knight, fate might snare anyone in its fickle web. The Career Compendium is designed as the ultimate, comprehensive career reference for both players and Game Masters, and explores the many different paths heroes may take during their adventures.

The Career Compendium includes the following:

* More than 220 official careers spanning the entire breadth of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay line.
* Eight brand new careers, including the Dilettante, Farmer, and Rapscallion.
* Expanded, full–page career entries, providing new insights and details for players and Game Masters alike.
* Revised character creation charts and references covering the entire range of basic starting careers.
* Hundreds of new adventure seeds and plot hooks to enhance your campaign.