dodge & armors

By Dexnus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi Descent Fans!

One issue about template attacks: If one of the targeted figures has dodge is the new thrown result only valid for this figure or for all targeted figures?

Second question which is a little bit more complicated: There is one armor which makes you throw power die for every wound you suffer and cancel one wound for every blank you roll. There is another, I think a rune, which lets you pay one fatigue to cancel one wound. If you have BOTH items the crucial thing is the order of usage: Do you have to decide how many wounds you cancel by spending fatigue FIRST and THEN roll power die for the rest OR roll power die for all wounds and THEN decide how many of the remaining you cancel by spending fatigue?

I hope I expressed myself clearly!

Greetings from Vienna,


1) The new result after the dodge rolls applies to everyone, not just the dodger.

2) I believe there's something about "simultaneous" events that the owner decides which goes first, so the hero would decide if he wants to reduce wounds then roll, or roll then reduce.


There's actually no clear rule regarding the cloak/ghost armor combo, but most of us extrapolate wildly from the ruling that the player can choose the order of "start of turn" effects and assume he can choose the order of pretty much anything where the order is unclear.