Interesting imperial officer paint jobs out there?

By Lord Ashram, in Painting

Picked up the Imp Specialists... need to decide on how to paint the two humans. Can folks share if they’ve painted up any, or have seen some you like? Could use some inspiration!:)

Nothing special here. I tend to stick to canon or near-canon paintjobs.

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Gray for Navy/Army uniforms, black for Stormtrooper staff officer. Either looks good. I have seen a red Imperial Intelligence paint job I like, but haven't tried to duplicate it yet.

I went for the obligatory default black-coat officer and an alternate sandy-brown-coated officer inspired by the I-Have-The-Key-You-Need-For-The-Locked-Door imperial officers in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight videogame series.


Their skin is caucasian colored when not under intense fluoresnce lights and viewed through an iPhone camera...I swear these are not Simpsons Officers...