The flier should link to the venue website, but just in case: . We invite everyone from around the GA and SC area to attend. Will be a solid turnout and lots of fun to be had by all. Hit me up here if you have any questions or plan on driving out.
GA Players . . . new event posted. May 16th Tourney !!!
****! That's Mother's Day. You should totally point that out to them and get it pushed back a week. It'll get more players....I promise. lol. PLEASE!
One more time for emphasis: PLEEEEEASE!!!
I didn't even realize that . . . . and with that knowledge . . . . I think I will attempt to push it back a week. Let me look over our event calender and see what I can do.
Alright, we are moving the date of the event. So just know the date is now confirmed for the 16th of May.
I better see you suckas out and throwing down at our shop.
Message with any questions and post an estimate of how many would come with you or if you plan on being there.
Hey folks. Listen, for what it's worth, the Regionals for W:I will be in Orlando on May 15th. There wouldn't be any conflict with this event, and could even serve to jazz people up even more! A whole Warhammer weekend! And dude, how sick would that be to show up at this tourney with Regional tokens and maybe even the Champion Board or playmat? Mighty sick, that's how! Check the 'W:I Regionals Orlando' thread in this section for a description and see if it sounds like it could be fun. We'll stop at nothing to make your trip well worth it. And make sure you let us know that you read this so we can hook you up with a drink or something!
We'll have 2-4 players from Athens, probably playing Empire, DE, and Skorc (not sure about what the fourth would play, be he's all about winning, so probably something with Skaven. lol)
Awesome !!! Yeah, if you come from one of the Regionals events to play in our event, we'll definitely try to hook you up and make the trip worth your while.
It'll be great to meet some new players from around the region, and it's great to hear someone in your group is sticking to Order even with all the talk of "Destruction is sooooo over powered" is going on right now.
Can't wait for the event and to meet you guys.
*bump . . . . anyone else thinking about showing up from around the area?
This is another friendly reminder this event is coming up soon.
Bro, we all seem to be having that same problem. Few folks RSVP anymore, it seems. And I had seriously high hopes for the Orlando Regs.
Overseer Lazarus said:
Bro, we all seem to be having that same problem. Few folks RSVP anymore, it seems. And I had seriously high hopes for the Orlando Regs.
Well I hope your event does well. Just remember you only need more than 12 people to beat the FFG store Reg
at least 2 from Athens (but as many as 4) will be there with bells on!
AWESOME !!! Well this is the "one week til it's go time" reminder.
Hey folks! So what's the word on Regionals? We got the prize kit and it looks intense. Not just the winner's prizes like the Champion Capitol Board and Race Icon pins, but the tokens, playmats, uncut card sheets....Stuff looks amazing. FFG is pretty lackadaisical in the areas of organization and commitment, but one thing they have going for them in spades is craftmanship. We're going to try to put up pix of the swag on our website ( ) today. We really hope you guys can make it and add some Georgian flavor to the party!
Event is tomorrow and just so you know Arcane Fire will be legal for the event.
Expecting a solid turnout, so see you then
Even though this isn't a regional, I still intend on posting a tourney report, so keep your eyes peeled.