I was wondering if anyone knows how to play this on Fantasy grounds I rather not use roll20 if I can help it
Any way to play this on Fantasy grounds
There is a fantasy grounds module for this game. Not sure where you’d find it, but my group has used it extensively.
I can't speak for Fantasy Grounds, but I have played on Roll20.
Unfortunately, the strengths of Roll20 tend to be the things this game doesn't really care about (exact ranges and positioning) and handling the dice tends to be a bit more awkward (GM needs to remember to reset his difficulty pool before the next roll, players need to remember to add/remove boost dice, etc.) than I assume an actual tabletop game would be...
There is a community ruleset available(Not supported by smiteworks(FG)). it is under the Game Systems/coreRPG and other games forum groups.
So copyrightable material is not included.
Topic is called " Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny v2 ruleset" . First article should give you the info to download this.
Yes the community ruleset is fine I have used it quite a bit.
If you are just looking for an online RPG game table, EpicTable is what I'm in love with now. It doesn't support FFG's dice (yet, still hoping) so you will need to use one of the online generators that others can login to. It does support text-chat and sharing of images/documents, but not audio chatting so use Skype?.