Grapple multiple heroes

By Nani23, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

When a hero is grappled by a monster, can an other heroe pass through this space without beeing grappled or his not allowded to do that?

If he can how it works?

" Enemies adjacent to a figure with the Grapple ability cannot spend any movement points until the figure is dead or moves away. They may still attack as normal"

Yes, monsters (and heroes with appropriate skill) can grapple multiple opponents. Just entering a space adjacent to a monster with grapple means you cannot spend any more movement points.


He's asking about if a hero moves into a square where another hero is grappled, is this hero grappled too (while in the same square as the other hero)?


In this example, the Beastman is grappled by the Naga. Can the Ferox move through the beastman to get to the other side (where the arrows are pointing).

IMHO, I say yes. The Naga is busy with the Beastman so ignores the Ferox just for that square only . If the Ferrox were to move to an unoccupied square, he'd still be grappled. I also say yes because of simplicity's sake. 2 figures are not supposed to share a square after all movement is done and grapple would effectively end all movement. But move him to an adjacent square that is empty, you say? What if all adjacent squares are occupied?

I think the house-rule I will employ is that Grapple only affects 1 figure per square.


From the GLoAQ:

A)Is a hero with Grapple really intended to keep 8 creatures in one place?
B)Can a fiendly figure move through a space occupied by another friendly figure that is currently being grappled?

A) Yes. B) Yes. Grapple can only hold one figure per space, however.

All your answers, in one place.

I always forgot to check the GLoAQ...
