I really want the First Order (and Resistance) and why they are viable as factions.

By That Blasted Samophlange, in Star Wars: Legion

3 hours ago, devin.pike.1989 said:

1. To an outsider clines and stormtroopers look the same

2. Your very subjective opinion is not shared by most people.

3. There is a point here. However, ffg can fill in blanks with video game and comic book content. Also, it seems like there are hints of a ground battle in rise of Skywalker.

1. Exactly, except the clones have a plethora of vehicles + Jedi that separate them from the empire. Not to mention the traditional paint scheme varies between clones and the empire. When someone sees Obi on the field, they know exactly what faction they are looking at.

2. Do some research and you'll find that majority of the fan base did not enjoy the last few movies. The movies don't feel "star warsy" and they don't feel epic. The fact that my kids find these new star wars movies to be boring is a major red flag.

3. The obvious solution is to fill in the blanks, except there are so many blanks to fill in and the design space is going to shrink once the CW factions get multiple corps units. For instance, CIS: horde infantry, Republic: extreme elite infantry, Rebels: light infantry with heavy damage potential, Empire: middle of the ground infantry. Where is the design space for FO and Resistance?

I get some fans really want to see lots of factions, but I think the best approach is to flesh out the CW factions over the next year. And then around next Christmas (Dec 2020), FFG releases "super heavy vehicles" for GAR and CW (AT-AT, AT-TE, etc). These vehicles are only allowed in 1000+ point games due to their high cost. This release makes sense because everyone is going to get excited and the holidays are right around the corner. If we get new factions, it will be in 2021.

4 hours ago, R3dReVenge said:

I get some fans really want to see lots of factions, but I think the     best approach is to flesh out the CW factions over the next year. And then around next Christmas (Dec 2020), FFG releases "super heavy vehicles    " for GAR and CW (AT-AT, AT-TE, etc). These vehicles are only allowed in 1000+ point games due to their h  igh cost. This release makes sense because everyone is going to get excited and the holidays are right around the corn  er. If we get new factions, it will be in 2021.  

I didn't think anyone was saying that the First Order/Resistance should be released right now. I've even posted that it makes sense to wait until after the last movie. The problem with “super-heavy” units is going to be the price point. If we look at the SSD for Armada, I'd expect a similar cost. Plus you will have to put it together, and transport alone with be problematic. Factor in table size, it will be difficult. A $200 dollar model will be a hard sell for a lot of people.

As to majority if fans.. I'm not sure I agree. The ones that don't tend to be extremely vocal. As with many things, the Mileage may vary. My young son has grown up on the sequel movies and loves them. The prequels were divisive at best, but led is to getting the Clone Wars series.

Now as to the Resistance I fully accept they are light in stuff so far, but doable. With the Rise if Skywalker the First Order will have more than enough units to make a faction.

5 hours ago, R3dReVenge said:

3. The obvious solution is to fill in the blanks, except there are so many blanks to fill in and the design space is going to shrink once the CW factions get multiple corps units. For instance, CIS: horde infantry, Republic: extreme elite infantry, Rebels: light infantry with heavy damage potential, Empire: middle of the ground infantry. Where is the design space for FO and Resistance?

I would have the FO have a high courage value on their infantry to represent their conditioning. As for the Resistance we will have to wait until the Rise of Skywalker to see what would fit for them.

55 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

IThe problem with “super-heavy” units is going to be the price point. If we look at the SSD for Armada, I'd expect a similar cost. Plus you will have to put it together, and transport alone with be problematic. Factor in table size, it will be difficult. A $200 dollar model will be a hard sell for a lot of people.

I don't think the AT-AT would be a hard sell at $200, and i think the rest would sell fine at between $100-$150.

With everything I listed in the Original Post, I've done a list of ranks for legion and where units might fit - some of this is conjecture, as units from the new movie could be shifted around.


Kylo Ren

Captain Phasma

Commander Pyre

General Hux

First Order Officer (generic)


Agent Tierny

Agent Terex (from the comics, so not likely to appear)




Mountain Trooper

Special forces

Knights of Ren

Sith Trooper

Jet Trooper

First Order Executioners


Tread Speeder

Light Infantry Utility Vehicle (snowspeeder)

Probe Droid



So far seems the First Order has a number of units close to the Empire. I will do a similar list for the Resistance.

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange
21 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

So far seems the First Order has a number of units close to the Empire. I will do a similar list for the Resistance.








Shaggy Phil

Weird Bob

8 unarmed Resistance Corp fighters

That is the COMPLETE resistance now.

19 minutes ago, Cusm said:








Shaggy Phil

Weird Bob

8 unarmed Resistance Corp fighters

That is the COMPLETE resistance now.

The snark is strong wit this one.

Nein Numb, Jess Pava, Kare Kun, Kazudo Xiono are also there. 8 unarmed is not true, The Falcon has a store if weapons, that I'm sure Chewie would distribute.

It should be noted that my First Order list was incorporating material from the Rise of Skywalker, of which the resistance is still fighting. They of course get new characters Jannah, possible Orbak cavalry, amongst other characters. The likely hood that the resistance grows is QUITE likely as the new movie shows them fighting. The resistance has a potential mobile base with the Colossus, so they are more than what you say.

6 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

The snark is strong wit this one.

Nein Numb, Jes  s Pava, Kare Kun, Kazudo Xiono are also there. 8 unarmed is not true, The Falcon has a store if weapons, that I'm sure Chewie would distribute.

Snark or not, the Resistance has to knock on some doors because they were reduced to whatever could fit on the Falcon after Ep VIII and the Republic was eliminated in Ep VII. So far we have not seen much from the ST for Legion, enough for Imperial Assault. I am not positive there were enough people in the Trenches for a 800 point Legion game, and if there were, not enough variety to date. We have one more reason for a better finale to this trilogy..

2 minutes ago, Cusm said:

Snark or not, the Resistance has to knock on some doors because they were reduced to whatever could fit on the Falcon after Ep VIII and the Republic was eliminated in Ep VII. So far we have not seen much from the ST for Legion, enough for Imperial Assault. I am not positive there were enough people in the Trenches for a 800 point Legion game, and if there were, not enough variety to date. We have one more reason for a better finale to this trilogy..

This IS why I said regardless, waiting till after the Rise of Skywalker is the smartest move. Much like if we eliminated units from Return of the Jedi, we would have a much smaller Imperial and Rebel pool of units.

1 minute ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

This IS why I said regardless, waiting till after the Rise of Skywalker is the smartest move. Much like if we eliminated units from Return of the Jedi, we would have a much smaller Imperial and Rebel pool of units.

Agree 100%, and voicing why I do not want FO/Resistance yet. Both are pretty boring in X-Wing do to their limited models, and I do not want to see either in Armada at all.

i don't think we will hear anything about the Resistance until Gencon 2020 at the earliest. That gives the clone wars time to fill out as factions.

1 hour ago, jcmonson said:

i don't think we will hear anything about the Resistance until Gencon 2020 at the earliest. That gives the clone wars time to fill out as factions.

I agree, that is likely, but with the movie coming out in December, I think it could be closer to 6-8 months. I am figuring that FFG, even without all the information, is working on how to develop them and diversify the mechanics, and some preliminary sculpting is probably being done; as there enough designs from previous two movies to start, and the visuals so far released from Rise of Skywaker.

Its too bad JJ and the director for TLJ didnt include some republic/planetary forces fighting the FO in either movie. Not only does it not make sense there wouldnt be any, it would have given us some real space and land battles to add to the canon. Instead we have DS 3 and whatever that strangeness on Crait was.

On 7/28/2019 at 2:50 AM, R3dReVenge said:

2. Do some research and you'll find that majority of the fan base did not enjoy the last few movies. The movies don't feel "star warsy" and they don't feel epic. The fact that my kids find these new star wars movies to be boring is a major red flag.


4 hours ago, Dosiere said:

...and whatever that strangeness on Crait was.

If Starkiller Base is Death Star III, then Crait is Hoth II. Complete with good guys in trenches and dubious speeders versus bad guys in giant walkers on a plane of white, with the bad guys firing one critical huge shot to blow up the good guys’ primary defense (shield generator/door) and the good guys escaping with heavy losses.

Do some research and you will find a very vocal group of people who don’t like the last jedi. Where there are scientific papers discussing how bots boosted the traffic of conflicting opinions.

there is no way of knowing how large the group of people who did not like TLJ is. Anecdotes do not apply.

I bought the $80 dollar godfather board game for $25. Therefore godfather must be a bad movie that no one likes.

Edited by TylerTT
11 hours ago, TylerTT said:

Do some research and you will find a very vocal group of people who don’t like the last jedi. Where there are scientific papers discussing how bots boosted the traffic of conflicting opinions.

there is no way of knowing how large the group of people who did not like TLJ is. Anecdotes do not a  pply.

I bought the $80 dollar godfather board game for $25. Therefore godfather must be a bad movie that no one lik  es.

It did $1.3 Billion world wide, and was the #1 selling DVD/Bluray in 2018.

3 hours ago, Cusm said:

It did $1.3 Billion world wide, and was the #1 selling DVD/Bluray in 2018.

That’s a whole lot of ironic purchases..

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange
28 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

That’s a whole lot of ironic purchases.  .

Hate purchases, they wanted to show how much they hated it, probably burned most of those DVDs.

2 minutes ago, Cusm said:

Hate purchases, they wanted to show how much they hated it, probably burned most of those DVDs.

reminds me of this old gem lol

A new type of First Order Trooper!


Looks like a mix of snowtrooper and deathtrooper. I like it!

There is also this coniguration of the FWMB-10 which could be included as a unit:


I'm waiting to buy in until the First Order are announced and released. This game looks great but I just prefer the aesthetics of the First Order.

Considering 3D printing my own with this community made set.


1 hour ago, FendleyFire said:

I'm waiting to buy in until the First Order are announced and released. This game looks great but I just prefer the aesthetics of the First Order.

Considering 3D printing my own with this community made set.


You might be waiting for a good year or two if they add them to the game at all in the near future. Last fall during a steam they had mentioned that they had no plans of doing them at that time and as of March of this year they have their product line planned out through 2023 so unless something has changed I wouldn't expect anything for FO or Resistance until 2024. Additionally based off the fact at GAMA they revealed that they would be releasing content based on the Mandalorian there is a distinct chance we will see a Scum faction announced at Gencon for a release originally targeted for Q1 of 2021. And with that likely being the case I figure 2021 will mostly be spent finishing trying to bring the Clone Wars factions up to where the OT factions are this year as well as jump starting the Scum faction as well.

Frankly we'll never how popular it is among fans because it's Disney's best interest not to let that out if it's a low number. And it would depend on how you define "fan" as opposed to "movie goer".

For all the rules naysayers, the only thing necessary for minis is that they look different. Otherwise people wouldn't be able to sell minis of generic fantasy, scifi, and historical armies that differ only in aesthetics, and/or which have no official rules at all.

This is actually one of my biggest gripes with Legion, they keep releasing things that aren't aesthetically different enough, interesting new SURGE to KEYWORD be darned.

For the people who think the sequels don't feel like Star Wars, all I can say is, to me they feel more like Star Wars than the prequels. And we have prequel armies.

For the record I will buy neither prequel nor sequel armies.