Which sleeves?

By Baxie, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

Might just be me, but doesn't FFG usually indicate how many sleeves you need for their games?

I can't find it anywhere.

I bought Rebellion, and didn't sleeve it. So when RotE came out, the cards were very worn, and I had to buy another Rebellion, so I couldn't tell the difference on the cards.

Not doing this again.

I think they will add it when it is closer to release. Just keep checking their website.

Perhaps someone who purchased it at Celebrations could answer this, please?

Back of the box shows 5 green FFG packs to sleeve everything (215 cards).

On 4/26/2019 at 10:57 AM, Bron Ander Haltern said:

Back of the box shows 5 green FFG packs to sleeve everything (215 cards).

So all cards are FFG American? No Mini-USA?

Short answer:

215 Standard American Boardgame

Long answer:

Click below ;)

It’s on the back of the box as always too

They are the same size as the Imperial Assault cards.


Edited by Kani Kantai