So my brother and I have decided that our next board after we finish all of our desert stuff will be a WWI, no-man's-land, muddy hellscape. We're going to make some of those above ground "trenches," water-filled craters out of pie tins, and some destroyed vehicles. Barbed wire and sandbags, maybe some ruins and such. Does anyone have any tips for muddy, WWI type stuff besides what I already have planned? In particular I've never worked with barbed wire, though I'm pretty sure I've seen miniature C-wire for sale (from Army Painter, maybe?). Any help would be appreciated!
If you’ve seen the Han Solo movie you might remember the battle on the mud planet Mimban! If you search for that you might be able to find some pics of mud tables people have made.
The list you’ve got sounds good to me! Maybe a concrete bunker or two? That might be more WW2.
Have you worked with pink foam yet? If you want to get real crazy you could make the table out of 2” thick pink foam and then cut the trenches to full depth.
Please post pics when you start working of course!
More ideas might include a field of shattered stumps from an obliterated forest (such as the Somme or Passchendaele), gabions/mantlets/fascines, ruined train tracks, an abattis would make cool area terrain, if you're of a morbid bent a hasty graveyard or cemetery could be interesting. Smoke effects or gas clouds would be more difficult to simulate in this type of game, but might be worth looking into.