New player, Imperial recommendations

By Schweigsam, in Army Building

I am a new player to this game. I have been to my local store and watched a few games. I would like to know what I should invest in to get started with an Imperial build, including the upcoming expansions. I am not quite sure what I should focus on getting. Any help would be greatly appricated!

Give yourself over to the dark side

Really depends on what you have (if anything) and what your play style is like. Obviously, the best place to start is with the starter kit. Then, a second starter kit for good measure. That gives you enough units for an Army, and lets you start to plug and play with different types of units.

As for other expansions, Imperial Commandos and Veers are both popular. I'm a fan of E-Webs, the generic Officer from the Imperial Specialists pack, and the AT-ST, none of which are particularly popular with other players, so it really depends on your individual play style.

I would like to do a fast and aggressive play style. Right now I only have a single core and I picked up Boba Fett

Edited by Schweigsam

The usual recommendation is to get two core sets. The value is great! You’ll have 4 corps units and 2 units of bikes.

(800pt games are standard and you can have up to 6 corps units and 3 support(bikes))

And you get extra dice and range rulers too which is helpful.

After that Veers is a great choice! Vader is great but he takes up a lot of your build points. Veers lets you spend those points on more units.

Then it gets pleasantly more complicated because you have choices! :P

If you’re interested in an aggressive army you might want to pick up a 3rd unit of Speeder Bikes or maybe a unit of the Royal Guard to run with Vader. The Royal Guard is a melee unit so you need to work to get them in Range but they are pretty nasty once they get there...

E-Webs are cool! Snowtroopers are cool! The Sniper Strike Teams from the Scouts pack are really useful. People often pick one of those and run them in pairs.

The AT-ST is beautiful but not one of the most efficient units you can take in the game.

Some people recommend a THIRD core set!?! I’ve been considering it lately...

Welcome to the game!

Happy Hunting! :)

Edited by BenBot

I can look into the second core. I'm looking into seeing if I can work krennic and death troopers into it once they are released.

I have to highly recommend the second core. I got an extra Stormtrooper and a snowtrooper for the impact grenades. Those are my six core units which I use in some lists. No plans to add any more rebels as I have enough to play a small learning game. After that it is wide open to what you want to add.

On 3/3/2019 at 12:04 PM, Schweigsam said:

I can look into the second core. I'm looking into seeing if I can work krennic and death troopers into it once they are released.

Yea Krennic and Death Troopers are coming out possibly in the next month or two according to the internet rumor mill.

Death Troopers are a Special Forces unit so they don’t really replace the 3-6 Corps units (Stormtroopers or Snowtroopers) that you need for an 800pt army.

If you want to wait on getting Veers and get Krennic that’s fine. And I know budgets can be tight so just picking up a 3rd Corps expansion of Snows or Troopers might work for you.

The best idea might be to get the 2nd Core Set and then wait for Krennic and Death Troopers to fill it out!

So far that's the plan. But I will give an update once I get something more concrete set up

And pics when you start painting! :)