Custom Skirmish Cards

By King_Balrog, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Let me know what you think 😄 Feel free to add your own!

Click the units name to read its stats.

Thanks to for the easy to use card creator.

Imperial Units

r Scout Trooper e Scout Trooper (Fast, Long ranged, unit that grows in strength if they stay still, or loses effectiveness if they move)

Image result for scout trooper

AT-MP (a Massive, Assault Walker, that can hit any visible opponent at range with a missile salvo by suffering strain. Adequate short-ranged combatant otherwise)

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r Imperial Super Commando e Imperial Super Commando (Versatile, adaptable, and sturdy 2-man squads that happily lead the vanguard)

Image result for imperial super commando

Inquisition Initiates (Talented Dark-Jedi warriors that become inspired by the presence of their betters.)
Image result for fantasy flight games pyke syndicate

â–  Agent Kallus (A leader among the ISB secret police. Able to buff allied ISB units and make an opponent suffer strain when they use a Command card)

Agent Kallus AWH


Mercenary Units

r Black Sun Enforcers e Black Sun Enforcers (Criminal syndicate bruisers who can make multiple ranged attacks with reduced accuracy or Gain VPs through trickery)

Black Sun Blaster Pistol AtG

r Pyke Syndicate Sentinels e Pyke Syndicate Sentinels (Criminal syndicate guardians who escort spice crates for VP points. Elite units gain extra defenses while holding a crate)


Droideka (Deadly ranged unit that can make multiple attacks and place barriers to prevent ranged attacks against itself. Low Hp unit that is vulnerable when moving and to Melee attacks)


Dowutin Bombardier (a single, Large unit, that may choose to suffer strain and status effects to increase it's weapon effectiveness)


â–  Rukh (a talented hunter who can deal additional strain and status effects to those he hunts. Unit has easy access to Hidden and evade tokens)

Image result for rukh art star wars

â–  C-21 Highsinger (A highly mobile and attack-focused unit that is dangerous at mid ranges. Able to suffer strain to perform 2 additional attacks)


â–  Embo (an adaptable Melee fighter that is adept at martial combat or attacking distant enemies at range)

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â–  Cad Bane (a notoriously talented bounty hunter with many useful gadgets to combat his opponents)

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â–  Rako Hardeen (a Talented Mandalorian marksman who is notorious for taking contracts on Jedi during the CloneWars)


â–  Sidon Ithano (a Notorious pirate that can Gain VP by shaking down opponents or by selling Command cards)

Sidon Ithano SWSG

â–  Garindan (Master spy in service to the highest bidder. Able to counter the plans of his enemies and draw additional Command cards.)

Garindan SWGTCG-AoD

â–  Cikatro Vizago (a sneaky information broker and smuggler who can allow an opponent to draw a Command card for equal VP payment, or fierce revenge.)

Image result for cikatro vizago art

â–  Lomrokk (Jabba the Hutt's head guardsman and an elite pitfighter. Able to perform additional attacks based upon the execution of his enemies)

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r Partisan Insurgents e Partisan Insurgents (Wily units able to suffer strain to gain extra movement. Units able to "lay a trap" on a target space to limit future movements)

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â–  Benthic (Leader of the renegade Rebel group the Partisans and a talented sniper who inspires his units to greater deeds. Able to ally himself and his Partisan Insurgents with rebel armies)
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â–  Moroff (A single large hero unit that can easily pierce through defenses with his chaingun. Able to enlist in any army for a price.)

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â–  Lobot (a Cyborg taskmaster who aids Lando Calrissian and the Wing Guard Battalion to greater deeds. Able to suffer strain to aid the defenses of his allies)

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â–  Enfys Nest (An notorious swoop-bike pirate; talented in melee combat. Able to shrug off blasterfire and steal VP's from an opponent when they complete skirmish objectives)


r Cloud-Rider Raider e Cloud-Rider Raider ( Single units that can form into elite squads. A notorious, yet noble, band of smugglers and raiders who challenge the powers that be)

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Rebel Units

â–  Wedge Antilles (A talented Rebel pilot and leader of the Red Squadron, X-Wing strike force. Unit is able to call in airstrikes on targets in his line of sight; dealing heavy damage)


r Rebel Pathfinder e Rebel Pathfinders (Single units that can form into elite squads. A team of these tenacious warriors can contend with the best in the galaxy)

Image result for rebel pathfinder

If anybody has the time or patience feel free to convert these cards via the Kensei Imperial Assault Tools Suite w/ much thanks to @Bitterman .

I don't have access to dropbox through my work computer and can seem to access these files.

Edited by King_Balrog

Just in case you haven't seen, I'm currently salivating over these 98 fanmade minis designed by Mel Miniatures . DztpRGmXcAAnnIS.jpg

Many of these units can be seen above.

Edited by King_Balrog

Awsome work! I love your Mercenaries!