Change in Initiative Question

By Viper114, in Horus Heresy

I have the rules down pat for the most part, but I still need some clarification about Initiative.

So, let's say the game starts, and the first player does an action costing 1 Initiative point. That then places that player in front of the other player, meaning a change of initiative takes place. After any coexistence battles are fought and stacking limits enforced, what happens next? Does the first player keep going until he can't go on any further, or does the change in initiative basically say that's it for the first player, it's now the second player's time for an action? I am guessing the second case, if "change of initiative" is taken plain and simple.

Second one.

A round consist of the following phases:

1. Do one action (the active player)

2. Pay the cost (move the Initiative Marker)

3. Check for change of initiative and resolve it.

4. Special Phase.

If there was a change of initiative, the active player will change immidately before the new round starts.

Basicly, you can only do one action per round. Before each round, it is checked if there was a change of initiative, if that is the case, the other player becomes the active player.

I get it. And basically, if the one action wasn't enough to change the initiative, the next round is still the same player I take it. Thanks for clearing that up.

[edit] Attacker Defender question is posted further down. Question removed (still not answered fully though)

Another question about the Change of Initiative. The rules state that an Order placed on the Strategic Map cannot be executed since the last Change of Initiative. This doesn't prevent someone from choosing a DIFFERENT Order on the Strategic Map (one that's already been there before the change occurred) to play instead, correct? And this also means that the Order can then be played from the Strategic Map once the Change of Initiative changes back to you, correct?

Viper114 said:

Another question about the Change of Initiative. The rules state that an Order placed on the Strategic Map cannot be executed since the last Change of Initiative. This doesn't prevent someone from choosing a DIFFERENT Order on the Strategic Map (one that's already been there before the change occurred) to play instead, correct? And this also means that the Order can then be played from the Strategic Map once the Change of Initiative changes back to you, correct?

You mean for example, you place an Order in the Black Ministry region (so it is "untapped" for now to show can't execute it) and you then execute an Order at say Imperial Plateau? As long as Order for your side is on top of the IP stack, you can execute it. Or if you already had an Order in the BM region and you played a new one on top of the old one, you could bury the new one (which you can't execute), making the old one the top one (assuming that stack only had 2 cards) and you could then execute that Order. Would cost you 3 initiative (1 to place, 1 to bury, 1 to execute).