Rachael's money card ranges from $1,000 -> $10,000. The rules dont specifically state that these are hard caps, and It was stated in a post by Kevin that if you lose/spend your last $1,000 just move the marker off the card to signify this.
The question that came ip in our game is I had the plot that makes me gain baggage depending on wether I gain/lose money as well as play light cards/have dark cards played on me. Couple questions regarding this scenario.
1) If the player is currently at $10,000 and a card effect states she "gains X dollars" does that trigger the good baggage, even though the card wont track anything higher than $10,000. (we played this is it triggers the effect, but the marker stays at $10,000.)
2) Same questionj, different direction. If you are currently at $0 (as stated by Kevin is possible) and a card effect states you "lose" money, would that trigger the bad baggage.
3) If a Dark card is played on Rachael that causes her to lose money, she would gain 2 bad baggage in this scenero (1 for the Dark card, and 1 for the loss of money) We played it this way, im hoping for some confirmation.