two questionns

By gogopher, in Horus Heresy

hi two quick questions:

1) what units in particular does mortarion's special ability effect....all units under the emipre control or just imp inf, tanks, and titans?

2) the spaceport victory is it a one time chance or is it persitent? i mean if u capture all 4 after the effect pops can u still win that way

gogopher said:

1) what units in particular does mortarion's special ability effect....all units under the emipre control or just imp inf, tanks, and titans?

2) the spaceport victory is it a one time chance or is it persitent? i mean if u capture all 4 after the effect pops can u still win that way

#1: All units with a Grey base is how it seems most people interpret it.

#2: Once an initiative marker moves onto or past the spaceport victory space, it becomes available and remains available until the game ends.