RZ-1 A-Wing woes

By Donner, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

RZ-1 A-Wings right now have a difficult time being arc-dodges. Jake Farrell is the closest to actually being able to arc dodge thanks to his 4 initiative, but the rest have too low of initiative. With their low health, they need that arc dodging to survive. I know point values may reduce their cost until they become a useable force due to sheer numbers (I can already field 4 fully-loaded A-Wings including all the current named pilots). I feel they act too slowly and have too low of health to fulfill the role they've been given. I have been trying various builds to try and get them to be viable. Overall they have low health, low health, lowish initiatives (but too low for effective arc dodging most of the time), and low numbers of upgrades. Their saving graces are their maneuver dial and their agility. But it's not enough. I feel they need a little push to make them viable. Increasing their attack doesn't fit their theme, boosting their agility would make their defense too strong. The only other option I could think of would be making their vectored thrusters a white action, but that would make all of them amazingly fast an maneuverable all the time.

I suspect TIE Interceptors and Fang Fighters are in a similar boat, but they have Soontir Fel and Fenn Rau at 6 initiative to make up for it. Please give us some higher initiative A-Wing pilots so these ships can see more combat use.

I have had good success with a phoenix pilot with squad leader.