Bounty-Hunter Undercover card states: "
Exhaust this card at the end of your turn if you did not perform an attack that turn. While this card is exhausted, add 1 grey die to your defense pool.
When you refresh this card, gain 3 movement points.
Chosen target card states: "
Exhaust this card at the start of your turn to track a monster in your line of sight.
Each time you perform an attack that targets a tracked monster, that attack gains +1
(even while this card is exhausted).
Question: can I use 3 MP gained from Undercover and only then use Chosen target?
More wide topic is: can I spent MP gained at the "start of the turn" in "start of the turn" phase? (for an instance can I move with Elven Boots and only then proceed with other "at the start of the turn" actions?)
Thank you!
Edited by Vancheng