This came up on Saturday. The only negative to an extremely fun session.
The group was fleeing from the prison they purposely were captured in to obtain schematics for Gel Malcrofs operations on Airboonie ( different take on the first scenario of chronicles of the gatekeeper)
they stole malcrofs yt-1300 and were being purses by 2 security fighters. During the course of battle I hit their ship twice for criticals.
The way I always played it was that critical attacks untreated stack. Their shield overload (106) on ship crit chart (2 separate crits)
they begin to argue that crits do its do not stack and that you roll a new d100 for each crit and then add 10,20,30 to that roll but each crit is its own roll.
This doesn’t make sense to me.
1. You have to get a total of 6 crits before you have a 9 percent chance of dying
2. i have never seen 6 crits activates to then dame person before their wound threshold gave.
We checked the books and I checked reddit and both were somewhat confusing.
Does anyone have the official clarifiTion. Do crits stack if they are untreated?