Game of Thrones

By Kilcannon, in Your Settings

Anyone work on a Game of thrones campaign setting? Just wondering so if anyone has worked on Warg players, white walkers, ect? I am converting from the Green Ronin system since I love the narrative system.

I'm surprised nobody has done a Game Of Thrones setting yet.

Off the top of my head, I imagine for Wargs you could give them an ability that is effectively a souped-up Animal Companion talent, and a second ability to 'shift' into said animal as a once-per-session use. They effectively then control the animal in lieu of their own character, using that creature's stats, etc.

White Walkers would simply be nigh-indestructible Nemesis-level adversaries whose innate ability could be that they reduce all successful damage to 1 per hit unless a weapon has the custom weapon qualities 'Dragonglass' or 'Valyrian'. They're one of the few truly supernatural threats in the setting so it's okay for them to be pretty OP alongside dragons and maybe Melisandre's shadows.

I think what would be more challenging is coming up with a system for simulating the plotting and court intrigues. I would love to play a Game Of Thrones campaign in the Genesys system but that would be the USP I would be looking for.

Green Ronin has a system built around ASoIaF/GoT and it's kind of an odd duck. They treat intriques like a combat encounter, with something kind of similar to stain. I don't know that a Genesys adaptation would necessarily need a mechanic based around intriques and scheming, but instead just letting that play out in social encounters.

The funny thing is, despite its reputation for being around schemes and plots(which are the same thing, I'm told) GoT doesn't involve all that much scheming and/or plotting.

I was running Green Ronin, but my players didn't like the system very much, but love the setting. They love the narative system so figured worth the try. I was having each player have 2 or 3 characters and then I was going from two or three storylines where each had a character to give similiar feel of being in the books or tv show theme.


The funny thing is, despite its reputation for being around schemes and plots(which are the same thing, I'm told) GoT doesn't involve all that much scheming and/or plotting.

Huh? Of course there is scheming and plotting. Heck, that was basically ALL Littlefinger did. Cersei certainly did her share of course, as did the Tyrells. The only ones who didn't scheme and plot were the Starks....and after most of them died, the remaining ones learned it soon enough. Heck, little Arya became a master little schemer.

Edited by IamGazrok