Sam Stewart's Android One-Shot

By DarthDude, in Shadow of the Beanstalk

Dearly in need of Sam Stewarts adventure in pdf he ran with the FFG crowd like the Terrinoth GenCon adventure they made available...

It would help first timers of the Android setting as there is no beginner box. Any news if and when they make it public?

Edited by DarthDude

I had a very similar thought/request over in the Facebook Dice Pool Podcast group, and Sam was gracious enough to leave a comment...

"The adventure is something I wrote specifically for the characters the team created, and is only 2 pages of notes at the moment. So I'm unsure whether it would translate very well into a publishable adventure."

Whether or not it get's made into an adventure, I thought it was pretty cool (and gave me hope as a GM!) that he was able to run the game with a few notes, an understanding of the PCs and the system.

Very Gygaxian of him, Iā€™d say šŸ˜Š

Having participated in a few Sam Stewart games and also watched him game prep - yeah he's not wrong about a couple of pages of loose notes.

9 hours ago, kaosoe said:

Having participated in a few Sam Stewart games and also watched him game prep - yeah he's not wrong about a couple of pages of loose notes.

A man after my own GMing heart!