So the FAQ is pretty clear about Tile Types. Fair enough.
My interest was piqued when I noticed that Core set tile 37A is both Forest and Desert - I assumed it must be a mistake, but no, the artwork shows both, and double-checking the rule it does clearly say "one or more" tile types.
But then I started to look at some of the others, especially transition tiles. 37B must surely be Interior, for example, but isn't listed as such. 38B is Desert, but isn't Interior... surely it should be both? (Though it's only half-interior, so either way would be weird). I confess I've not as closely at the transition tiles in all the expansions yet, but I wonder if they have similar idiosyncracies.
Of course, I understand that to almost everyone this will almost never make a difference. Interior only matters for Massive models in campaign, and two rarely-used Command cards; and the other Tile Types are (AFAIK) only used for Habitat in campaign, where if you have a Desert or Forest transition tile, you're certain to have corresponding tiles joining them so it won't matter. This is the kind of thing that would - I would guess - only get noticed by someone who might, hypothetically speaking , be building a map editor and would have an unusual and particularly specific need to know how to classify the aforementioned tiles*.
Still. 37B needs correcting for sure, and the others in the expansions should be double-checked. You never know when the World Championship final might come down to someone getting an unexpected extra Damage Token thanks to playing Marked Territory while standing on Core set tile 37B, and that'd be a pretty cheap way to decide a grand final, wouldn't it...?
Yeah, OK. It is a bit of a stretch.
* - and a particularly careful need to examine the tiles very closely indeed. I'd never previously realised some of the subtleties of how spaces, edges, and the Terrain rules interact. I mean, you don't, do you? You just play the game.
Edited by Bitterman