Please add "changes in red" to points PDFs

By nikk whyte, in X-Wing Squad Builder

this change would be in line with Faq updates, and create a consistent visual reference for x-wing rules changes and adjustments.


Or magenta, like GW does to 40k FAQs

Or in green.

Personally I would like if in the custom formats we could experiment with our own point adjustments. Increases will be in Red while Decreases will be in blue. Just have to make the list and format conspicuous to know that it is not an official format.

On 3/28/2019 at 5:05 AM, Marinealver said:

Or in green.

Personally I would like if in the custom formats we could experiment with our own point adjustments. Increases will be in Red while Decreases will be in blue. Just have to make the list and format conspicuous to know that it is not an official format.

Making all changes a uniform color (like they do with the FAQ) would make it easier to hunt and find the things that did change, instead of hoping to have a list of old point values to compare to.

4 hours ago, nikk whyte said:

Making all changes a uniform color (like they do with the FAQ) would make it easier to hunt and find the things that did change, instead of hoping to have a list of old point values to compare to.

if it is a different color you know it is changed. This is not the FAQ this is a point list (and a hyperspace ban list). Blue means points went down, red means points went up. Very easy to see and understand.

But my suggestion was in Custom Formats give up the option to play around with the points a little. But as we do so it changes the color of the points to let everyone know what adjustments we made.