Opinions on all the reprints

By MalaciousMawloc, in Star Wars: Destiny

Too many too soon for me. Especially one taking a Legendary spot. Some important commons(Field Medic, Block, Evade, health of the game stuff) and uncommons(Flank even though it's not rotating cause it's in the two player starter) sure but a LEGENDARY SLOT in the FIRST SET AFTER ROTATION!?!?! Not a fan.

What legendary? I just checked the list at swdestinydb, and I see a few reprints, but none of them are legendaries. Where are you getting your info?

If you watched FFGs live stream or saw the Community on Facebook or yourdestiny.dk they spoiled a bunch of cards today. A Crime Lord reprint being one of them

Edited by MalaciousMawloc

I'm okay with it personally, I'd prefer reprints be an upgrade over a character and Crimelord has always been a niche card that's fun to build around since it's not too high power level.

Maybe Crime Lord is a card they feel needs to be in the environment as it promotes a different way of deck building?

5 hours ago, DarkFallenAngel said:

Maybe Crime Lord is a card they feel needs to be in the environment as it promotes a different way of deck building?

Building off this thought, I think it's good to have in a meta that might be mill heavy since it becomes a must answer die.

Crime Lord is such a cool card. Good for FFG for recognizing this. This isn't magic. No reserve list. The collectable aspect just isn't there. No reason not to reprint so basic cards stay in rotation rather they just reprint the card with a different name. That is stupid and can break infinity.

I'm not the first to say it but I agree. A reprint should probably be moved down a step. Probably everytime it's reprinted it moves down until it finally fades away.

We will now have all three formats in the "able to play" side of things, so I think there may be some cards that have to be reprinted even though they are still in Standard because of their importance to Trilogy. I think for this reason Jeremy and Team may well need to consider card reprints even from Standard Play from time to time to ensure that card staples are kept in the various formats. I think for any groups hoping to increase their player base, this new set with Trilogy play is going to be part of their plan.

As far as duplicate legendary cards, I think we have moved on somewhat the design criteria of the first three sets have not matched the second three, the characters are too weak for too high a cost to what we have now and many of the supports are also being over shadowed by recent cards. In general would you play an AT-AT at 6 over a Varders Fist at 5? Would anyone seriously harbour a thought to playing the Awakenings Vader? Perhaps this time next year if the design people can establish the cost and power of the characters we may find reprints, but I don't think the first year had a good cost to power for the various characters, so reprints and changes here may be the order of the day for the next three sets. So, what card apart from Crime Lord would you duplicate from Awakenings?

However, I think FFG should have reviewed the rarity of the re-print, if the card is important to keep in the game, then it should be considered to become a rare card in the case of a dice card and a common for a non-dice card. Crime Lord now has the same level of "desire to draw" as Awakenings versions of BB-8 and Rey's Staff and it is a legendary.