You call me Doctor Jones, doll!

By Desslok, in Realms of Terrinoth

I'm thinking of putting together an Indiana Jones/Laura Croft archaeologist for our fantasy game, which of course the fantasy book doesn't accommodate. So, time to go off the map! Anyway, I thought I'd bounce this skill selection off you guys for the career:







Brawl (Although I might swap this out for some kind of lore/history/artifact appraisal skill)

Melee Light

So, what do you think sirs?

(Also, anyone have stats for a whip? :) )

Edited by Desslok

Doctor Jones i presume ?

Skills are lacking some knowledge adventuring instead of brawl. I would also consider cool instead of coordination. Indie does not strike me as coordination type guy. The jumping and running stuff is cowered by athletics. Survival could also be swapped for something more thematic Indie is a professor not a bushwacker :) but it could fit though.

The whip your looking for can be modified from the Razor Whip GCRB p 161.

Here is my modified version of a standard leather whip.

Whip, Melee +1, Crit 3, Range[Short] Encum 1, Ensnare 1, Unwieldy 3


Whips are made of braided leather straps. They can shred
through and can be used to entangle targets (the Ensnare quality). Whips
also tend to have a special rule allowing wielders to
attack targets that are farther away.

A razor whip can be used to make melee attacks
against targets at short range. The difficulty for this
attack is Average.

So its basically the Razor whip with no pierce quality.

Have fun exploring the jungles of Zanga :) say hi to the Monkey God for me.

I went with the survival because beyond finding water and food and shelter, that's your "So you're lost in the woods" reading a map skill.

And yeah, you're right about needing more knowledge stuff - after sleeping on it, adventuring at the bare minimum. If this were Star Wars, I'd simply pick up another brainy career with my first 20 points, but those 8 skills only go so far. :)

1 hour ago, Desslok said:

I went with the survival because beyond finding water and food and shelter, that's your "So you're lost in the woods" reading a map skill.

And yeah, you're right about needing more knowledge stuff - after sleeping on it, adventuring at the bare minimum. If this were Star Wars, I'd simply pick up another brainy career with my first 20 points, but those 8 skills only go so far. :)

Is he going to be using the Terrinoth rules? The Adventurer talent adds Knowledge (Adventuring) and Athletics to your Career Skill list. So if you're playing the long game, you could sacrifice them for now until you have 30 XP to get to that talent plus buy a couple of skill ranks. Well-Traveled might fit, too, for Knowledge (Geography), Negotiation, and Vigilance.

1 hour ago, Desslok said:

I went with the survival because beyond finding water and food and shelter, that's your "So you're lost in the woods" reading a map skill.

And yeah, you're right about needing more knowledge stuff - after sleeping on it, adventuring at the bare minimum. If this were Star Wars, I'd simply pick up another brainy career with my first 20 points, but those 8 skills only go so far. :)

You could go with knowledge geography but savagebob has a good point about the talents. So anything goes really šŸ˜€ you can easy add those later. Post your final build would love to see it stattet out

9 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Is he going to be using the Terrinoth rules? The Adventurer talent adds Knowledge (Adventuring) and Athletics to your Career Skill list. So if you're playing the long game, you could sacrifice them for now until you have 30 XP to get to that talent plus buy a couple of skill ranks. Well-Traveled might fit, too, for Knowledge (Geography), Negotiation, and Vigilance.

Strong point - I haven't even considered any talents yet. I was just thinking of getting the bedrock established so I can present to the group and say "Are you guys okay with this" before I started growing the character.

9 hours ago, Archellus said:

You could go with knowledge geography but savagebob has a good point about the talents. So anything goes really šŸ˜€ you can easy add those later. Post your final build would love to see it stattet out

Can do! Right now it's just a bunch of random scribbling on a yellow notepad, but when I get him/her finished, sure.

The funny thing? Ages and ages ago when I first started playing RPGs, back when Dinosaurs roamed the earth, my very first WEG character was a shameless mashup of Han and Indy, but pilot/smuggler not archaeologist. And I was very firm in my "no, no! That's not where I got my idea at all". Nowadays it's all "Eh, **** it. Should I give him a hat and a whip too?"

Ah, the folly of youth. :)

Okay, after some consideration and based on what you guys suggested, here's the (tentative) skill list that I'll be presenting to the others. At least unless I change my mind again between now and Saturday. :)

Coordination (which yeah, is kind of covered by Athletics, but it still seems not unreasonable for Indy)





Melee Light

Forbidden (I don't know why my eyes rolled right over that skill. I guess I just assumed it was one of the Magic skills, but this would totally cover your Thugge Cults and stuff)


And then once I get some points under my belt, I'll start out with Dungeoneer and Museum Worthy, give top priority to Adventurer and Well Traveled and a bit down the road I'll grab Hunter. And yes, I know that my talent Ziggurat is lopsided and not legal at the moment. Those are just the talents that caught my eye. I'll throw some Tougheneds or Grits in there to make it legal. And since I'll be going human, if I put 3 threes in my attributes (probably Brawn, Cunning and Intellect), that leaves me 20 points to play with.

Although, man do I miss taking obligation so I can get a couple extra points for that 4th three!

Edited by Desslok

I totally miss those Obligation/Duty/Morality points, too! Off the top of my head, a GM might house rule it so that you can start with a dormant Heroic Ability for +10 XP at character creation. Maybe it only kicks in when your companions are getting their first upgrade? Just a thought, and probably not something your GM would entertain.

I'm not familiar with Obligation/Duty/Morality points having never played any of the Star Wars line. Are any of those something that could be transferred into RoT (possibly with a bit of tweaking)?

6 hours ago, Suneisha said:

I'm not familiar with Obligation/Duty/Morality points having never played any of the Star Wars line. Are any of those something that could be transferred into RoT (possibly with a bit of tweaking)?

Morality would be tough to bring over; it's basically a tracker of how far your character is toward the Light Side or Dark Side. I suppose you could bring it in as an analog to the Alignment system in D&D.

Duty represents your character working for a specific government or political cause and getting gear to do missions for them. The higher your Duty is, the more trusted and respected you are in your institution, and the more stuff they will let you use. It's basically a way to give the PCs gear without them having to rely on getting loot in the traditional way. It'd work in ROT, but it would require a specific play style that gets away from dungeon looting and so on.

Obligation represents some element of your past that constantly rears up to haunt you. Maybe you owe a debt to a crime lord, or you are a wanted criminal with a bounty on your head. It might be the easiest to integrate into ROT.

All three mechanics have an XP component. If you take a middle-of-the-road Morality to start with, or a lower starting Duty value, or a higher starting Obligation value, you get some extra starting XP. It makes a difference, especially if you're going with a standard Human and want to bump a fourth 2 to a 3!

Thanks for the information, Duty and Obligation do sound like things that could definitely ported over to Genesys from your descriptions. Duty could potentially involve working for one of the Baronies, the Order of Kellos, perhaps an order out of the Aymhelyn as well as a tonne of other organisations and governing bodies. Obligation seams pretty self-explanatory.

So got a chance to take Doctor Jones out for a spin over the weekend. After we vetted the list, everyone was cool with the skill selection. The only hill I really was going to die on was keeping stealth, and we swapped out Deception for Adventuring. And nobody had issues with the whip - so I think we're good to go!

When I get home from work, I'll post the final character sheet and the background writeup for you guys.

Okay, okay - it took me a couple of weeks to get around to doing it, but here's Doctor Jade Tsubaki , with about 150 points of XP under her belt.

Here's her background. It's a bit long, so I'll spoiler it to save space. We're playing with the NARds fantasy system, but the actual setting itself is all home brewed. But you'll get the jist of it -

- The Basics -

01 - What is your full name?

Hi, my name is Jade Tsubaki! Pleased to meet you!\

02 - List any and all aliases used. (How long in use? Why?)

Nope, no fake names here!

03 - How old are you?

I'm just 24, or as mom put it: old enough to get out of school but still young enough to get into trouble.

04 - Where were you born?

My hometown is Deskoni, a charming little independent city state way up in the Hetite Confederacy. We're known for our most excellent universities. Not to boast - oh wait, yes I'm boasting - it's said we've got the greatest libraries on the continent.

Being a major trade network hub nexus, the city sees all kinds of travelers of all stripes and the generous "Bring us a book we don't have" bounty the city maintains, we see a high volume of scholarly pursuits coming in all the time.

As the travel brochures say, if we don't know it, it's not worth knowing.

05 - Do you have any relatives and how close are you?

Not a big family, just Mom, Dad, and a sibling a couple of years younger named Elsie.

06 - Describe your parents, including current status.

Mom is the Laura Croft side, out adventuring and punching Banish agents and finding lost artifacts in deep dark tombs.

Dad on the other hand was the Professor Jones side. Scholarly, respected, tweed jacket with elbow patches and that sort of thing. He's done some field work over the years, but the bulk of his time is spent in his classroom and/or doing research.

They're both happily married, coming up on their fortieth wedding anniversary soon.

07 - Where are these relatives now?

Mom still occasionally goes out into the field to find artifacts and punch Banish agents, but she's slowed down some. She's semi-retired, emphasis on the semi. Dad's line of work is less strenuous, so he's still going ahead great guns. Elsie still needs to finish school before the parents let her out into the wild full time.

Mom and Dad are both pretty chill with Elsie and I venturing out into the world, adventuring, finding treasures and punching Banish secret policemen. "Just be careful dear, it's a big dangerous world out there,'' they say with total sincerity.

08 - What was/is your family's social status (Poor? Well-to-do? Wealthy?)

While dad isn't the dean of his university or mom on the Deskoni educational council, they're still very well respected in the academic community. So I'd say we're very comfortable.

- Background -

09 - What is your level of education?

With parents like these, you think I'm getting away with anything short of a full doctorate and tenure? As it stands, I've made it through the first four years at college. I'm just taking some time off before moving onto the next round of classes.

Besides, field work is valuable too! And yes dad, I'm still sending my homework back to my professors!

Actually, let me walk that back. My parents have always been pretty chill about me and Elsie following or not following in their academic footsteps. Iā€™ve never gotten the sense of pressure from them to be a badassed professor just like them. I do it because History is cool!

10 - Where did you study?

You were not paying attention when I talked about Deskoni and our awesome school system, were you? I attended primary school all the way up to college there. Thankfully, dad didn't want to be one of Those Parents, so I've never attended his classes. Well, at least academically - I've sat in the back of his lecture halls before when he spoke.

11 - Do you hold any degrees?

Nothing beyond the BA in history and anthropology. At least not yet. I've also done some reading on paleontology, but I've hardly studied enough to call myself an expert. More like dangerous amateur.

12 - What jobs, positions, or titles have you held? (When? Where?)

I did several summers as an intern at in the Regional Park system. Although it was not nearly as glamorous as one might think, as I wound up serving more as a tour guide and janitor than actually putting my skills to good use.

13 - Did you ever serve in the military?

Kind of, but not in any official capacity. There was some time a couple of years ago when I was taking some time off from school on an actual vacation - a slightly extended spring break - down in the small kingdom of Demarion.

Ages ago, Demarion had been absorbed by their next door neighbors, the Banish Empire jerks (I'll get to more on them in a second). But what I didn't know it at the time that the Demarion locals were about to try and push back against their oppressors. I wound up in a village that was suddenly and unexpectedly the kicking off point for that revolution. While that's not the direction the vacation was supposed to go, the peon's cause was just and they were way outgunned. While a cunning and resourceful archeologist wasnā€™t what the revolutionaries needed, it's' what they got.

And so school was pushed back a year while I fought alongside (well, really helped more with logistics and planning and behind the scenes stuff than fighting the front lines) with the Unified Demarion Liberation Army. For funsies.

14 - Do you have a criminal record? (Why? Are you still wanted?)

As pure of heart and strong of spirit the DLA was, what the DLA weren't was plentiful in numbers. I was able to extract myself from the situation before the revolution collapsed, but I did make enough of a name for myself during that time that I shouldn't go back to that neck of the woods any time soon.

15 - Where do you live now?

After staying at home, living in the dorms and working digs, it's time to get out and see the world. So my home is a satchel, address to be determined.

16 - Where did you spend most of your life?

A great deal of time was spent in and around Deskoni, but not all. I studied abroad for a couple of semesters and I've done all kinds of field work here and there.

17 - Name two notable places you've visited

After publishing a well received paper on revisionist neojurassic history, Dad was invited on a lecture circuit of schools and universities. For just over a year Elsie and I accompanied dad on his travels, meeting all kinds of colorful, interesting and occasionally seedy people.

18 - Are you or have you ever been married or romantically involved? (With who?

Well, there was Vabrix the Rotting Blight, who despite the name wasnā€™t a blight nor was he rotting. Family names handed down over generations can be weird like that.

Although if weā€™re being honest, his name should have been Vabrix the Magnificent Dong.

19 - Describe a significant event from childhood and/or adolescence.

How about the time when I was twelve, when mom and I were at the Black Archives and I accidentally released a demon. Really, who puts a demon in a book? And then leaves that book just laying around on the shelf? Although I guess a book with the title Lady of the Shadow Vortex in the Library of The Black Archives should have been a big clue.

The Black Archive spent weeks cleaning up after that. I think I still have a restraining order from that one.

20 - Describe a significant event from adulthood.

Well, there was this one time with some primitive natives. There was an - a misunderstanding. Aaaand, they might think Iā€™m a god. Itā€™s. . . . complicated.

22 - How do you describe your lifestyle?

Some might call it dangerous. I call it fun!

23 - Do you have any enemies (who?/why?)

Every Indiana Jones needs a Belloq - and Jade is no different. Mine is named Gustave Deverux

One summer, I was working on a dig with Deverux. He seemed a bit skeezy and underhanded (and did eventually wind up pilfering artifacts from the dig and selling them on the black market, putting the professor supervising the dig in the academic doghouse - but we didn't know that at the time), but there was nothing overt that set off warning bells.

It was when Deverux plagiarized large portions of my paper on ancient bioarchaeology stratification that I figured out his true nature, that he was an underhanded prick. But he is a clever prick who was able to cover his tracks well and I was never able to prove the plagiarism. The Dean's board (thanks to generous donations from his rich family over the years) sided with Deverux, and he wound up winning the Archaeological Society's prize for the year which spun off into a career at the very prestigious Royal Centre of Natural History.

Fortunately that career was cut short when Deverux was suspected of unethical methods and funding a grave robbing expedition. He may be on the outs with some portions of the academic but the bad blood between us remains. As our field isn't that large, it doesnā€™t help that we occasionally bump into each other.

24 - What conflicts might arise due to your past?

Right, lets get into the Banish Empire. Above and beyond the fact that I'm on several watch lists in their territory and surrounding neighborhood because of the revolution, they're straight up a bunch of expansionist jerks.

It's a monarchy under the delusion that they have been "chosen by fate" (whatever that means) and have been actively pushing out its borders and absorbing smaller nations around it. Even worse, the Santebal - the Directorate of Information and Internal Security, the Banish secret police - maintain an aggressive program of artifact recovery. It's not that they have any interest in history or science. They're just looking for any and all powerful artifacts that'll help them expand their boarders and smite their enemies. I've not run afoul of them yet myself (beyond my time in the DLA), but I know my mom has run into Santebal operations several times.

On a much smaller, more personal scale, there was that time that I nicked the Eye of Harmony from a wizard's castle. Although upon reflection, it's probably a really terrible idea to steal anything from someone with the name "Akeem The Abomination".

25 - Do you have any friends or contacts? (where are they now?)

There have been a couple of professors that have taken a shine to me over the years. Professor Nessa was particularly supportive and cool, although I think sheā€™s retired now.

26 - Do you have any dependents?


27 - Do you have any pets?


28 - What are your hobbies?

Punching Banish secret policemen, saving damsels (and whatever the male version of a damsel is), scaling walls and/or not falling into bottomless pits. Also, drawing.

29 - What awards and honors have your received?

Man, **** Gustave. Iā€™m going to beat him senseless with my plagiarized Archaeological Society medallion someday.

31 - List a couple of your favorite foods/drink.

Oh, I do have to admit a weakness for the Allsorts hard candies. Really **** tasty, those.

32 - List a couple of your favorite equipment/vehicles/toys

Just before heading out on this walkabout, mom gave me her Katana. Itā€™s not that it's very special, either historically or in craftsmanship, but it served her well for years and years - so it's special in its own way.

- Personality -

33 - List three physical traits.

I'm of Asian decent with shoulder length black hair. I'm reasonably muscular, and I'd like to think good looking - but in that rugged, dangerous way. Given my druthers, I'll be wearing a long duster and a big hat - which, aside from being an expected trope, looks cool as **** and does have uses in the field.

34 - List three positive (or 'good') mental traits.

Oooh, I'm adaptable and flexible as the situation demands. I'm equally comfortable dangling over a bottomless pit by a pair of ropes as at a Maharaja's table.

I'd also like to think I'm fun. Okay, it's not much of a mental trait, but everything at home is fine, I'm out traveling and seeing the world, I'm finding cool new things. That's fun, I'm having fun. What's there to be dour about?

35 - List three negative (or 'evil') mental traits.

My dad says that this whole "It belongs in a museum" thing, while coming from a good place, can border on obsession too. Mom is okay with it.

Nicking the Eye of Harmony from Ikadrem The Abomination made me realize that in addition to my parents traits of daring do and smarts, that there's a tiny little bit of thievery in there too. But I'd only steal from the bloated 1 percent bastards pricks who can afford it.

And really, it's not about the money, but the thrill and challenge.

36 - List three social traits.

I need to use fewer exclamation points!

37 - Any quirks and habits, both good and bad?

Exclamation points are awesome!

- Outlook on life -

38 - What are your short term goals?

Well, the immediate goal is to see if I can track down any leads on The Night Queen, an artifact that may have an evil demon/sprit/power sealed in it, an evil spirit might be on the poised to return after 5,000 years. To that end, I've hired a group of most interesting - well, I wouldn't say they were bodyguards, and calling them mercenaries is totally the wrong term. Freelance asskicking specialists? Bad Dude Consultants?

Whatever - anyway, we're off to see if we can find this thing, once they get some outstanding stuff off their plate.

Beyond that, I'd like to see the world on my own terms, perhaps get some life experience under me. Along the way, make some money to send back home so mom and dad can be comfortable in their golden years.

39 - What are your long term goals?

Finish my doctorate. While I may or may not be scholarly material, building that foundation to work from is important. Plus while my parent might not be disappointed at a sudden career change (although, lets face it - they probably would be), I sure as **** would be with myself.

40 - What are your companion's goals (both long and short term)

I've not gotten a good read on them yet. On the surface, they seem solid and upstanding enough (and crazy skilled - Koseema is a strong asskicker and I bet there's tons of times mom would have loved Lenthi and her Holy Blasts of Kerblam in her toolkit), but anything deeper like goals? But beyond the immediate task of having to return some horses and kidnapped kids to to Ayla's people, I have no idea.

Hopefully getting my new friends paid from the expedition stipend doesn't turn to one of those long term goals.

41 - What are your hopes and fears?

Snakes! Can't stand them!

Naw, just kidding. Snakes are cool. Dragons are cool too. Lizards in general Iā€™m good with. Spiders, on the other hand. . . .

As for hopes, I do kind of aspire to that One Big Score. Oh come on, what academic does not want to get their name in the books with a once-in-a-lifetime discovery that changes everything. A little fortune and glory? **** yeah Iā€™ll take that, thank you very much.

42 - What is it that drives you?

Curiosity. "Ooooh, I wonder what's in that old building? What ever happened to King Bubulaa the Magnificent? Where did the Eternity Cage disappear to? Should I open this coffin? What does that taste like?"

43 - Do you have a religion or believe in a mystical energy? (What are the disciplines of your faith?)

Iā€™m not tied to any one particular faith. I've seen enough mystical artifacts of power from antiquity all the way up to the modern era to give them the nod, but Iā€™m scientific enough to question them too. Are they just super powerful beings? Are they actual gods? If they need us worshipping them to grant blessings and favors, arenā€™t they just giving us back the power we granted them in the first place? If thatā€™s the case, isn't the power within us all along?

44 - What would you like to be doing in 5 years?

Probably still seeing the world.

45 - Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Too soon to tell if I'll follow the path of the scholar, the Banish puncher or something else all together. Perhaps I'll become a master thief?

46 - How do you see yourself?

Do you want to come with me? If you do, then I should warn you, you're gonna see all sorts of things. Kung Fu Monks trying to catch you, Monsters trying to kill you, cannibals trying to eat you, long forgotten deathtraps trying to melt you. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: hella fun!

47 - How do others see you?

ā€œCannibals, monsters and death traps? Iā€™m out.ā€

48 - In a short paragraph tell of your most vivid memory:

The most frustrating memory of my (admittedly very short) career was just last year. Up in the mountains to the north of Deskoni, a rich strike of gold was discovered, and as these things tend to attract attention people from all over the region poured into the area to grab what they could. The local barbarian tribes were none to happy about the invaders moving into their territory and tearing up their sacred mountains all in the name of some typical Manifest Destiny bull.

The problem is that right in the center of all of this? There were some very ancient, very valuable native burial grounds - which as a "grave robber", I guess puts me in the wrong too, at least in the native's eyes.

The miners were busy smashing any artifacts in their way in their mindless pursuit of some stupid shiny rocks, and the native barbarians were busy harassing any outsider they could. Most of the miners were ultimately killed and driven out of their lands. We were lucky to get out with the small load of precious trinkets you did. The natives are now exceptionally restless and get very aggressive towards any perceived trespass.

**** both sides and their short sightedness.

Edited by Desslok