Lengthy question, sorry...
Under the Empire, the Emperor introduces the New Order, a totalitarian ideology that sought to remake the political and social fabric of the Galaxy. This ideology was further elaborated on by Tarkin, according to the Rebellion Era Sourcebook when he authored the text “Visions of the New Order”. You could almost give the New Order the name “Palpatinism-Tarkinism”. COMPNOR was established as a joint state/volunteer civilian umbrella organization dedicated to coordinating the entire Galaxy into the model outlined by the New Order, equipped with its own secret police and paramilitary corps to help accomplish this goal. They had a blank check and Palpatine’s blessing to do whatever they wanted in pursuit of this mission. They were the truest totalitarians and the fanatic loyalists to the Emperor’s vision. I always loved this idea as an EU fan, and thought they were grossly underused int the EU.
However, they didn’t seem to do the primary thing they were sent out to do. Their goal was to bring the “revolution” to the rest of the Galaxy. Except that they didn’t. There were entire worlds and big name senators that outright opposed the Empire and openly spoke out against it on a daily basis. I am primarily thinking of Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis or Chandrila and Corellia, respectively. Why were they not silenced? Why were two very influential Core World systems allowed to just not go along with the New Order? Doesn’t that defeat the entire purpose of COMPNOR? If COMPNOR had done its job, they could have stopped the Rebellion before it even started. As soon as Mothma speaks out against the Emperor in the Senate, ISB should have arrested her for treason and made her disappear, and a new loyal senator “elected” in her place. If Chandrila has a problem with that, then the Empire steps in and stages a “regime change” much as they did with Naboo in Battlefront II (2005). Or, if they wanted to avoid scandal, they could have arranged an ”accident” and have Mothma encounter an “attack by pirates” during a relief tour of the Outer Rim, then play it off with plausible deniability. The Empire literally waited 17 years to finally decide to arrest her, and that was after she openly declared war against the Empire itself and stated that she wanted to see the Emperor overthrown. The New Order could have saved itself from a lot of future headaches had they just gotten rid of her earlier, and installed a more “cooperative” government on her homeworld.
My point is, when you sit down and think, the Empire didn’t make any sense, and it actually makes you wonder if anyone with any sense of history of authoritarian states has thought about this when writing about the Empire. The Empire is very bad at being totalitarian, and it really (for me, anyway) takes you out of the universe and makes you think about the nonsensical political nature of the Galaxy under the Empire. Why even have COMPNOR if you aren’t going to use them for the one job they have?
Anyone have a reasonably sensible explanation for this? Any historical examples to look to for explanation? Why would a totalitarian ideology allow for vocal and open political dissent to undermine its regime? It just makes no sense to me, and lessens the Empire as plausible villains.
Please, I prefer Legends answers, since I have been somewhat disappointed in new canon material lately.
Edited by Prophet 49