Revealing Provinces

By FriendofYoda, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Aside from the event that lets you switch to another province when attacking and the new character coming in the Unicorn clan pack that reveals a province upon entering play, are there any other ways to reveal provinces aside from attacking in to them?

Excited to build a deck around the new Uni stronghold once it drops!

Border Fortress also lets you reveal a province.

18 minutes ago, FriendofYoda said:

Aside from the event that lets you switch to another province when attacking and the new character coming in the Unicorn clan pack that reveals a province upon entering play, are there any other ways to reveal provinces aside from attacking in to them?

Excited to build a deck around the new Uni stronghold once it drops!

If you want to maximize the number of provinces you reveal use Chasing the Sun to hit more than one province in an attack.

Edited by Mirith

Awesome, so revealing all 4 basic provinces by the end of turn 1 is possible, turn 2 probable

Unicorn will want the game to go longer then I assume, with a big fate advantage every round they only pull further ahead

Unicorn will also be getting a new dynasty character that does this. Off the top of my head, I believe it was "Iuchi Farseer, 3 fate. Shugenja, 3mil 2pol (1 glory?), when it enters play, choose a province and reveal it. You'll probably want to run it if you're maximizing the stronghold.

And personally, I believe that Talisman of the Sun to Border Fortress is a safer way to reveal enemy provinces, rather than charging headlong into them.

Thoughts on splash for the new Uni stronghold decks?

I was looking king at Scorpion for maybe 3x Calling in Favors and 3x Meek Informant...?