Currently, the rules do not address, nor even acknowledge the possibility of, ties on glory counts (except for the specific glory count that determines who gets the favor). So now that we have a card that initiates a different glory count, there are some questions that are becoming relevant.
• If both players tie for standing glory + rings, what happens? Do both players win? Both player lose? Neither wins or loses?
• In a multiplayer game, can more than one player win or lose a glory count? If so, are the losers everyone who didn't win, or only those players who tie for least glory (and the same question again, in reverse)?
• Is performing a glory count considered a change in the game state? That is, if there is no winner or loser (or if the loser has no claimed rings), can Severed From the Stream be played at all? Or can it only be played if it results in someone losing their claimed rings?
I expected the rules document update from today to address these with a shoring-up of the rules surrounding Glory Counts (especially considering I've already submitted these questions to FFG), but no dice. The rules continue to treat glory counts with the assumption that there will always be a winner and a loser. Even when it addresses the end-of-conflict-phase framework count, it still doesn't say who wins or loses (or indeed if no one wins or loses) in the event of a tie; only how to proceed with the imperial favor, because it's been irrelevant until now.