
By player3351457, in Rules questions & answers

Hero Erestor's card text does not include the word "forced". Does that mean his ability (and consequent response) is optional?

I cant seem to find an answer in the rule book but I thought I read somewhere that unless a player card texts says "Forced:" you do not have to trigger the ability

Just now, player3351457 said:

Hero Erestor's card text does not include the word "forced". Does that mean his ability (and consequent response) is optional?

I cant seem to find an answer in the rule book but I thought I read somewhere that unless a player card texts says "Forced:" you do not have to trigger the ability

Or is this considered a "constant effect" with no action/response trigger?

6 minutes ago, player3351457 said:

Or is this considered a "constant effect" with no action/response trigger?

Correct! You do not get to decide to trigger Erestor's effect or not, it always happens.

Yes. No choosing. He's ability is always applying.

One of the best hero of the game if you build around him.

Erestor Noldor decks is super fun and very powerful.

You can describe the ability as “passive.”