Mod question

By Seam, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


An attachment has say three mods. One player wants to mod the first slot (with a difficulty of three purple). Unfortunately (for the player) the test is a miss, all parts are destroyed and such.

After the player wants to mod the second slot. What is the difficulty for the test - again three purple, or already four?

Thanks for any help.

There is none, it's broken, all gone.

Late, my bad. It goes up by one, win or lose.

Edited by 2P51

I know the player has to buy the parts anew. I missed to mention that. But my question was aimed at the difficulty.

This does sometimes result in characters purchasing cheap attachments and throwing them away (or selling them for a small amount), buying another one, and trying again. It seems silly, but it's a great way to drain the ill-gotten profits of looting.

7 minutes ago, Seam said:

I know the player has to buy the parts anew. I missed to mention that. But my question was aimed at the difficulty.

Yes it resets, bad RAW but RAW nonetheless.
