Lie in Ambush - eGamorreans

By Kalandros, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I played a list with Lie in Ambush at a Regionals and mostly used it on my elite Gamorrean Guards to great effect - won 2 games out of 4 and the 2 losses were very very close games against meta merc lists (one with IG, one with double eWeequay, one with scum heroes)
8 eGamo guards
7 eRiots
7 eRiots
4 eDeath
4 eDeath
2 rOfficer
2 rOfficer
2 rJawa
1 Zillo
1 Rule by fear
1 Lie in Ambush
1 Temp Alliance
Fun things to try with the tournament maps! Gonna try variations with eGamo guards and possibly lie in ambush again!
No uniques so no Celebration against my list~ 😜
Specter cell probably obliterates me though... sad state of the game that one upgrade card :(

Oooh, eGams on Imperial and Zillo? That's a nice tweak! Very cool.