First, very cool mission design! FFG are really pushing the gameplay boundaries with this campaign.
Now I have some questions...
1) At the final stage of the mission, when the rebels control the walker, they can make skill checks to grant +1 move and/or attack power token to the walker. My question is, what if multiple heroes are near a terminal? Can they each make the roll? If yes, is this limited to one success? (I guess that was 2 questions)
2) (less of a question and more of a puzzlement) I ran some simulations, and I can't see how the IP is able to win through the destruction of the rebel walker. It seems that all the rebels have to do is move 2 tiles each turn, and hide behind the obstacles south of the map(which happens on turn 3). The IP must either move once and take pot shots from 4-5 range, or keep chasing the chicken and never fire. Either way, by round 4 I expect most rebel teams (my rebel team is very competent, so maybe earlier) to take control of the walker, then the IP basically has a couple more turns to wound the heroes before they get destroyed. Am I missing something or is wounding the heroes (or extreeeme luck with that blue dice) the only realistic win condition?