What is your absolute favorite specialization in EotE and why!!!!
15 minutes ago, Jawa4thewin said:What is your absolute favorite specialization in EotE and why!!!!
I like demolitionist, martial artist, and gadgeteer... gadgeteer is pretty well rounded and combos well with a lot of stuff, demolitionist has close to my ideal skill list, and a good smattering of talents although I don't care for explosions, martial arts are cool. Bounty hunter and hired gun have good signature abilities.
2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:I like demolitionist, martial artist, and gadgeteer... gadgeteer is pretty well rounded and combos well with a lot of stuff, demolitionist has close to my ideal skill list, and a good smattering of talents although I don't care for explosions, martial arts are cool. Bounty hunter and hired gun have good signature abilities.
Gadgeteer definitely seems like a popular choice among groups I have seen and played in.
Gadgeteer is definitely my favorite. It’s a good combo of a combat and non-combat skills. Great for a mechanic to pickup or for a bounty hunter that likes gizmos.
Being from the UK my favourite “Specialization” would be Specialisation 😉
In terms of character... Gadgeteer all the way, although I do like some of the Universal Specs, Ships Captain especially!
For me, I am a smuggler to the core, and Gambler would be my favorite tree of all. It may seem like it's all about game mechanics (re-rolling dice, flipping destiny points), but I absolutely love the "All or Nothing" talent and the feeling of High risk for high reward it provides. This tree encourages you to play bold, especially when you also have the Charmer tree as well.
Trailblazer, Enforcer and Hermit, to pick one from each series. Each have strong roleplaying implications, unique talents and are archetypes I really enjoy playing as.
5 hours ago, BadMotivator said:Gadgeteer is definitely my favorite. It’s a good combo of a combat and non-combat skills. Great for a mechanic to pickup or for a bounty hunter that likes gizmos.
Gadgeteer is definitely a good one. I was playing a Technician/Slicer/Fringer (high XP game I joined after they'd been playing quite a while) and I was feeling like a liability in a fight. I took Gadgeteer and suddenly I was a lot more useful when the blaster bolts started flying. Then I took Sharpshooter and built my own custom rifle with auto-fire...
I wish I could fully engage with this topic but only ever been a GM and never a player I'm not sure how well each play 😐
Doctor. I love being able to boost characteristics. It's good narrative fodder.
Edited by kaosoeI wish there was a poll on this. I would have bet Gadgeteer even before I saw the posts on this thread.