So, I've been toying around with list ideas recently and came up with something like this:
General Veers [80]
Improvised Orders [10]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
Stormtroopers [44]
DLT-19 Stormtrooper [24]
FX-9 Medical Droid [19]
Snowtroopers [48]
Flametrooper [20]
Imperial Officer Upgrade [20]
Fragmentation Grenades [5]
Snowtroopers [48]
Flametrooper [20]
Snowtrooper [12]
Fragmentation Grenades [5]
Boba Fett [140]
Hunter [6]
Emergency Stims [8]
Recon Intel [2]
Imperial Royal Guards [75]
Electrostaff Guard [25]
Tenacity [4]
Environmental Gear [3]
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) [16]
DLT-19x Sniper [28]
I've also been thinking about dropping the med droid and replacing the Scouts with an E-Web with HQ Uplink/generator (or using those 10 points for other stuff). Do you think it would be a good idea?