Me and a friend were drawn to play Heroes of Terrinoth based on a discontinued series, Warhammer Quest the adventure card game. While Heroes of Terrinoth features some improved rules one expectation that was missing was a Campaign setting. Should i hold out hope for a expansion that will have campaign settings? We currently play Descent with the app for the overlord. I would recommend adding cards for loot / characters etc then using another app to keep track of campaign progress / rules / epic loot. Looking forward to what ever new things Heroes of Terrinoth can bring.
Expansion featuring Campaign settings
A campaign seems to be one of the most requested additions to this game through an expansion. It would not surprise me if the first expansion featured campaign play.
Personally, I'm not a fan of apps. I tried Imperial Assault's app but it wasn't compelling enough for me to return to. I admit that a part of this feeling comes from the inconvenience of having to use a computer with Steam to run the app, since I don't have a tablet.
In an interview it was hinted at a campaign is something they want to look at. So most likely at some point?
Good to know thank you.
Yes, I'm expecting too a campaign mode for terrinoth. And i'm not fan of app: if i want an app, i play a videogame, not a board/card one...
see ya
I think it would be amazing to have a campaign!!
Yes, but the new LotR Journeys in the Middle-earth game cancelled everything else 😞
I really hope we get more content for HoT. It's a blast to play, so far it's one of the few games at the table that nobody has any complaints about or grumbles when someone mentions it.
Easy to play and a max of fun by shedding some green blood.
The game play should only be a bit shorter something around 45 min.