Treachery/Glyphs question

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In the Altar of Despair expansion it mentions the rules on Dark Glyphs and states they are purchased with Treachery points by the Overlord at the start of the quest of the APPROPRIATE COLOR. However, in the given example in the same area it has an Overlord player purchasing one type of Glyph (green) using red and purple Treachery points to do so!

So which is it? Does the Overlord have to spend the right color Treachery to the same color Glyph or can he/she spend any Treachery points for any color Glyph?

Thanks in advance!

What page number is that example you are talking about on? It has always been my understanding that Dark Glyphs may only be purchased by treachery of the appropriate color, but I could be wrong. I can't seem to find the example you are referring to.

It's on page 5 of the AoD pdf.

When rules text and examples conflict, I tend to go with the rules text. Additionally, in this case, the available treachery happens to exactly match the treachery in the example on page 4 of the WoD rules, explaining how unspent treachery is used to draw extra cards; it seems like it's probably some variety of copy/paste error.

Page 5 example:

Example: Evan has 3 unspent trap treachery and 2
unspent monster treachery, for a total of 5 unspent
treachery points. He decides to purchase 1 dark glyph of
the Sundered (green) type.

Sundered = green = trap, so I don't see any problem here.

Errrr, isn't Trap Treachery purple? Green is for Events.

Yes, you're right, my fault. He should have purple treachery.

Precisely my point.

daddystabz said:

Precisely my point.

See Antistone's answer.

Editing is practically non-existent in these rules unfortunately. There are frequent mistakes, particularly when a rule is in other places or books as well (it seems clear that rules change during design or playtesting but then don't get tidied up properly afterward).

In this case it is pretty obvious from context if you think about it. If Dark glyphs are bought with treachery and have three types, colour matched to the 3 treachery types it would be rather perverse to not have them bought with the apropriately coloured treachery. Given a clear conflict between two rules, one has to be wrong and it is pretty obvious which it is.

While I agree with you guys, we play that the OL can pool from their existing treachery to choose from any type of dark glyph.

It is a costly move for the OL anyway, since that hinders the amount to purchase high cost treachery cards. I don't see a problem with it, but the rules specifically mention "appropriate color" which leads me to believe the consensus is correct.