Gandalf, Elrond, <defense hero>

By Tarliyn, in Strategy and deck-building

Hey guys,

Anyone have any deck that runs gandalf, elrond, and a strong defense hero? I am thinking like beregond or grimbeorn?

The friend I play with has a heavy willpower spirit deck so i tradionally play tatics with him but want to try some shenanigans.

Any ideas? Doesnt have to be tatics.

I don't have one personally, but check this out:

RingsDB search

Follow the link to a list of published decks that use Gandalf and Elrond as heroes, with no 3rd hero specified. So you can scroll through the list. I saw a Frodo and a spirit Beregond just scrolling through the list.

Edited by GrandSpleen

The combined threat of Gandalf + Elrond is very high; if you are not playing Shadow and Flame, you'd probably be better off looking at a low threat hero: Folco, Glorfindel, T-Eowyn, Pippin or Merry.

If you had to do a defender, I'd suggest spirit Dain or Beregond, just for access to threat reduction and action advantage (unexpected courage, Light of Valinor).

Elrond, with burning brand and some healing, is a really solid at defense, backed up with some healing.

Galadriel, with her ability to 'freeze' threat in place is another option, although not much of a defender!

Edited by ColinEdwards

Elrond and Gandalf both make fine defenders, though you'll want action advantage for both of them for obvious reasons. Both can be Burning Brand targets (Gandalf when played off top of deck) and both can be sentinel (Gandalf with Shadowfax; Elrond with Elven Mail), and healers work very well with Gandalf around. The combo is also good for getting strong ally defenders out -- both can pay for them from top of deck, or put into free with Vilya, and readying with Narya will enhance ally defense.

If you want a dedicated defending hero probably the best choice is Spirit Beregond -- he's an extremely strong defender and he lowers threat with successful defenses.

Personally I'd go for Leadership Denethor for a defensive option. He's low threat, you get access to Steward of Gondor and can even do a full strength Heed the Dream on turn 1 to grab Vilya. Gandalf or Vilya can play Gondorian shield on Denethor to bring him up to 5 defense.

Alternatively, Gandalf and Elrond are both strong defenders. That makes any readying attachment, like Unexpected Courage or Shadowfax, equal to a strong defender.

I have been running them together with Spirit Beregond and it is probably the strongest deck that I have ever played, and I have been playing this game since day 1.

Thanks for all the feedback guys! Lots if things to try :)