Hi, I am wondering if someone could help me out, i have 17 green cards in the Frozen Wastes, which is the right amount, but i have a double of the Frozen Dead and Deearkin Stag.
Here are the cards i have, can someone tell me which one i am missing (unless there is supposed to be 2 Frozen dead):
Ice Spiker
Flamefolk Marauder
Cornered Dire Wolf
Deerkin Stag x2
Frozen Dead x2
Crazed Beserker
Coldflame Whisp
Ancient Scout
Stunted Beserker
Witch Tree
Lone Direwolf
Merciful Warmth
Howls In the Night
Bargains for Lives
I ask because i do not recall doubles in any of the other game expansions
Thanks for the help