It's been very quiet on the expansion front. Considering Arkham Horror is one of the "flagship" products for FFG, I'm amazed nothing has been announced yet...
Very quiet on the release front
Maybe FFG has stopped making expansion to their games...
Yeah... Not big rush so far... May they have learned and only release one new expansion each year. So we will get first expansion at the autumn?
Nah, neither that is not very FFG... All in all they did lose their main developer, so they may take their time to consider where to go with AH 3rd. And it is quite possible that the first expansion comes at the end of this year. They seems to give first info about new release about 6 month before the release so autumn or near christmas can be quite accurate ques for first expansion.
Mansions of Madness 2e announcements & releases. The odd numbered expansions are small box while the evens are big box. (There were also 2 Figure & Tile expansions which rereleased all of the products that were converted over from 1e.)
Announcement | Release | |
Core | 25 July 2016 | 04 August 2016 |
Exp1 |
11 October 2016
12 January 2017 |
Exp2 |
21 June 2017
9 November 2017 |
Exp3 |
6 December 2017
19 April 2018 |
Exp4 |
2 July 2018
29 November 2018 |
Exp5 | TBA | TBA |
On 2/12/2019 at 9:44 AM, Duciris said:Mansions of Madness 2e announcements & releases. The odd numbered expansions are small box while the evens are big box. (There were also 2 Figure & Tile expansions which rereleased all of the products that were converted over from 1e.)
Announcement Release Core 25 July 2016 04 August 2016 Exp1 11 October 201612 January 2017 Exp2 21 June 20179 November 2017 Exp3 6 December 201719 April 2018 Exp4 2 July 201829 November 2018 Exp5 TBA TBA
You mean we are most likely going to need to wait for 3 months after it is announced until we can buy the expansions :-(.
19 hours ago, Chainers said:You mean we are most likely going to need to wait for 3 months after it is announced until we can buy the expansions :-(.
Yeah. They usually give themselves a quarter (3 months) or so. It means printing is on schedule and barring seagoing disasters, like not making the proper sacrifices to Cthulhu, the product should arrive state-side (and to international ports) as expected. They usually wait until the product is actually shipping (2 weeks before release) before giving a heads-up that the release is coming.
On the positive news, both the LCG & MoM2 have been getting much better and more frequent updates after the product is announced.
The Lovecraft stuff usually comes around the fall/winter, except when it doesn't. 😁
Looking at the release history for Mansions of Madness and Eldritch Horror, expansions seem to be announced about 6-8 months apart. This game was announced in August and released Nov 1. Depending on if it's based off of announce or release date, that puts us between around now and May for an announcement, and between May and July for a release.
Unless they go back to the original Arkham Horror timing which was yearly.
Also the designer left FFG, so maybe there will be a delay because of them needing to find somebody to take it over.
FFG is really Star Wars focused right now. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, L5R, Keyforge, and Arkham LCG seem to be the only things getting announcements these days.
It's coming on 2 years since TI-4 was released and there hasn't been any announcement of an expansion for that either.
NO news?? 😥 😭
On 3/12/2019 at 3:17 PM, groden1h said:FFG is really Star Wars focused right now. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, L5R, Keyforge, and Arkham LCG seem to be the only things getting announcements these days.
It's coming on 2 years since TI-4 was released and there hasn't been any announcement of an expansion for that either.
I won't be holding my breath for TI4 expansions: 4th edition is a sort of state of the art of 3rd edition + expansions. Maybe they'll do something in the future, but it's definitely not a game we'll see an expansion / year (or more)
AH will come, sooner or later. They just rebooted the series, kicking off catalogue one of their best selling games with a gazillion expansions. It'd be pretty a stupid move if they just leave it at a core game only. I imagine from here to GenCon we'll know
10 hours ago, Julia said:They just rebooted the series, kicking off catalogue one of their best selling games with a gazillion expansions. It'd be pretty a stupid move if they just leave it at a core game only.
Stupid but, oh, how funny when you consider that they stopped reprinting that best selling game with gazillion expansions for this.
Unlike some others, I never had problems with the "delay" mechanism in EH and AH2ed because I still had my encounter.
Sure in EH the encounter could be a Combat Encounter but that was quite often an interesting activity on its own, and if you defeated the monsters you would get a regular encounter too.
In AH3ed if there's a monster on your space during the encounter phase you get nothing. Zilch. Tumbleweeds rolling. If I can't kill a monster then I get no encounters for a few turns in a row.
I can't effectively solo this game and I can't choose any investigator I want as roles are really important here.
So I hope that AH3ed proves unpopular enough for FFG to return to reprinting AH2ed and/or release some new material for EH.
And to think I bought AH3ed for my birthday present...
I love AH3.
An amazing story driven game!!! Inmersive and much better than AH2 (boring, repetitive, loooooong....)
I fully expect to see expansions to AH3; and it is (at least to me) stronger in some aspects than AH2. For one thing, the codex element makes it more story driven. Another is the mechanics are a bit cleaner but not to the point where the game is dumbed down.
With the modular boards, the perfect first expansion would add boards for the dreamlands and other worlds.
AH3 appears to have been designed with the intention to be an ongoing cash cow so you'd think they'd come out with new content sooner than later. I just wonder how sales of the base game are doing.
I still think this should have just been a new game in the Arkham Files series and not packaged as an iteration of AH1 and AH2. Editions are meant to implement errata, combine expansion content/mechanics that made the base game better, and overall just clean up clunky rules/mechanics.
I know I'm not alone on this and many Arkham/Cthulhu friends opted not to buy this as it felt more like Arkham LCG: The Board Game. So if the sales of the base were bad, then they won't be pumping out expansions anytime soon. If sales were great, they'll have an expansion by fall.
What I have seen in here the sales have been good, but arkham Lcg is Also very popular in this area so no wonder...
most likely They have release plan ready in anyway.
No news?
😥 😪
Next christmast? New content for holiday season would be nice, but as it has been said. Arkham Nights is good estimation about new info!
It is odd we haven't heard any rumblings at this point. They must be saving up announcements for convention season.
I'd just like an official reply that says yes or no to getting expansions.
I think that AH3rd is a fantastic game and the promise of expansions is there. If it really is a 'one and done' game then that would curb my enthusiasm for any FFG product line in the future. Why invest in a base game from a franchise that clearly has expansions as the business model when you may or may not get those expansions.
I'd just like to officially know...yes or no.
So the unreleased Journeys in Middle Earth has already had a DLC & figure pack announced...still no love for Arkham Horror. 😩
We need expansions for this amazing game!!!
Come on, FFG!!! Any news???
At its current state, the LCG is far superior and I wouldn't be surprised if its sales were so above the board game that they simply allocate resources into the LCG instead of the board game.
5 hours ago, Shironeko said:At its current state, the LCG is far superior and I wouldn't be surprised if its sales were so above the board game that they simply allocate resources into the LCG instead of the board game.
It may ultimately be more cost-effective to print a card expansion for the LCG as opposed to a full expansion for Arkham Horror...
That being said I'm really hoping for a new expansion announcement anytime.
Seems to me that the game creator leaving has to be the cause of delay. AH3E is my 3rd Arkham Files game and expansions usually trickled in about every 3 months. EH got overwhelming. Still haven't gotten Dreamlands, Cities in Ruins or Masks of Nyarlathotep yet. Also I whole heartedly agree that this should not have replaced 2E or that at least 2E shouldn't have been taken out of print. I still need all small boxes except Black Goat of the Woods and also never got Dunwich Horror yet either. I love 3E but its too different to be a "3E." I'm debating buying Elder Sign and some expansions to tide me over til an expansion comes out. Is it better than Omens? Omens felt a bit too mindless.