Clarification of Lure of the Dark Side (update)

By topacesteve, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hello, i would like to clarify once and for all and with the new meta tokens and cards, how Lure of the Dark side is played :

So say i play Lure of the Dark Side on Han Solo - Rogue Smuggler who 1. has a Surge Token, 2. he is Focused and 3. he is adjacent to Hera.

When i Attack does he get the Hera Bonuses? do i use his focus, and can i spend his Surge token in this attack

Also can i use his card abilities during this attack?

You can’t use Hera bonuses as Hera isn’t friendly to Han. - note this is only during this attack, han has no friendly figures for the duration of this attack.

You do use the focus, as the focus is used when han declares his next attack.

Not sure on token, gut feel is no, as you fully don’t control han, which makes me feel you don’t get to make that choice.

By card abilties, you can use Han’s surges, but any of han’s other abilities (e.g. return fire) as you don’t control han outside of the attack.

hope this helps.

Edited by ffmonkey

In addition to the figure not being friendly to anyone while performing an attack, it is Hera who chooses whether and how to use Call the Shots .

Conditions do not give a choice, they are mandatory. Power tokens are figure's abilities, also explicitly specified in the power token rules that a power token can be spent while performing an attack with a hostile figure.

Surge abilities and other abilities on the deployment card (and potentially attachment) are figure's abilities.

· Some abilities allow players to perform an attack with a hostile figure. To resolve such an attack, the player
resolving the ability controls the hostile figure for the duration of that attack.

The player resolving the ability chooses the target of the attack. All non-neutral figures are considered
hostile and no figures are considered friendly when performing this attack. The figure cannot target

During a campaign, while a Rebel player is attacking with an Imperial figure or the Imperial player is
attacking with a Rebel figure, that figure is considered to be both Rebel and Imperial by mission rules.

The player resolving the ability rolls the attack dice and can use any of the figure's abilities as if the
figure were his own.

A figure that uses such an ability does not count as having performed an attack.

When a player performs an attack with a hostile figure, that player may spend one of that figure's power

Edited by a1bert