Streets of Arkham availability

By JoerivR, in Mansions of Madness

Hey guys,

I noticed that Streets of Arkham is no longer available. Every (web)shop says it's sold out. It's the only expansion I'm missing at the moment. And, being the expansion hoarder I am, it's really bugging me :D. Does anyone know if FFG is planning a reprint in the near future? Because I have no idea how their reprint policy is.

Otherwise the only option is to buy it second hand. And the prices are already rising up in the stratosphere. The sellers probably picked up on the fact that the expansion is very hard to find in retail these days.

Not sure where you are, but I saw copies available on Amazon. Also Ebay and some other online stores. Maybe do a shopping search for it on Google? Otherwise keep an eye on the Upcoming page if you want to know when a reprint might be happening. Good luck with it!

I just bought this expansion on wednesday. For some reason, it was $47 on amazon which was the cheapest I have seen it. Now it has gone back up to $55.

^ +1 the person above said. I have seen people sell the base second edition on apps such as mercari, etc. Just keep looking, there's a lot of places that have this expansion in stock. It all depends where you are and how much you want to pay.