Most of the lists I put together lately have two units of Fleets w/Scatter Guns And two units of Rebel Troopers w/Z-6s.
I’ve only been able to get one game in with the Fleets and I am not sure how best to use them. Is it better to have them up front as assault troopers or hold them back until someone charges in and then make them pay?
I really miss the range 3 shots and black dice I get with the Rebel Troopers. Range 2 is tough and scary for me. I often run Leia and keep her in the back sometimes never Using her blaster. I was hoping that running the Fleets might help encourage me to move my units and Leia (or Han) into range 2.
What are people’s prefferences?! Do you run Fleet Troopers upfront as assault units? Or do you play them more defensively holding them back and waiting to pounce?